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         "Sooooo Maiko tell me about yourself." Mina said.
"No." She said continuing to eat her food. She felt someone elbow her and glared at Fallon who was glaring at her back.
'Don't be mean.'
'What? She's your girlfriend not mine, I didn't sign up for small talk.'
'Yet.' I winked.
'Can you just try to be nice.'
'I honestly think I would die if I had to be nice.'
"Woah it's like their having a conversation but neither of them are talking." Kaminari said.
"Wait Kaminari let's do that! Guess what I'm thinking about!" Kirishima and Kaminari faced eachother.
"You're thinking about how Gon from hunter x hunter deserves more love than he gets, because he's actually a very complex and well-written character but people choose to overlook that and just categorize him as 'annoying main character'." (NO GON SLANDER HERE!)
"....dude I was thinking about brownies." Kirishima said blankly.
"Oh." Kaminari frowned.

         "Uhm don't mind Maiko she's not used to new people, she's actually really nice once you get to know her." Fallon said pinching Maikos cheeks. Everyone except Bakugous eyes widened as her aura became dark.
"Dont talk about me like I'm a dog and stop pinching me." She said glaring.
"Ok so shes very sleep deprived right now, which makes her way more intimidating than she is." Fallon said, Maiko loved watching Fallon try to introduce her to new people while she purposely scared them away so she wouldn't have to associate with them.

        Fallon started talking and laughing with everyone while Maiko and Bakugou just sat in silence eating their food.
"Oh~ what's this?"
"Lexa? What do you want?" Mina said annoyed.
Maikos ear perked up at the sudden annoyance in Minas voice but she stayed quiet just listening, she heard the three boys murmuring and even a "tch" escape Bakugous mouth as they glared at the girl.
"Mina, already moving on? Is this your new girl? Hmph she's ok." The girl said as the two girls behind her giggled.
"Excuse me?" Fallon said.
"Oh no offense. I just can't believe you're here with Mina. I mean I'm way better looking than you, talk about a downgrade." Lexa smiled smugly.
"W-" Mina was about to speak but Maiko stood up. Everyone looked at her and Fallon immediately stood up, "wait, wait, wait Maiko no, sit!"

         "Yah, sit doggy~ who even are you? Mind your business this has nothing to do with you." She turned her Gaze back to Mina.
"Just get out of here Lexa I already told you I want nothing to do with you." Mina said clenching her fists.
"I missed you and you didn't even call me. You can't still be mad about what happened, I thought you'd get over that seriously, it wasn't my fault you weren't entertaining me enough. You can't blame me for cheating when you're the one who was always ignoring me for stupid "hero training." And now youre gonna downgrade to this ugly ho-" Maiko punched her right in the face.

         "Wow that felt good. Oh don't tell me you're done after one hit, no fun. You talk a lot of shit for someone who can't handle one wittle punch." Maiko mockingly pouted. She watched as the other two girls ran at her at the same time. She quickly grabbed a tray and swung it at one girl and kicked the other in the stomach. Lexa got back up and tried to punch Maiko but she dodged and punched her before she could block and she fell to the ground. She bent down over her and yanked her head up by her hair.
"I believe Mina said to leave her alone. If you try to contact her again I won't hesitate to yank this heat damaged hair out your head, but be glad maybe I punched your nose hard enough to get you a free nose job." Maiko smiled dropping the girl.

        She got up and looked at Fallon and everyone who looked in shock, "I'm gonna go before a teacher comes, see ya." She grabbed her bag and left the cafeteria to go hide in a bathroom.

          "Did she seriousy just easily take on three girls?" Kaminari said.
"Yah she has some minor anger issues, and she's been on edge lately, these girls picked the wrong day." Fallon said.
"I'm sorry about Lexa, I kept telling her to back off." Mina said sheepishly.
"It's fine! I can't believe she cheated on you who would even do that." Fallon said hugging Mina.
"Ha Maikos a little more scary now." Sero said rubbing his neck.
"I promise she's a teddy bear no matter how tough she likes to look." Fallon said laughing.
"A teddy bear who can take on three girls simultaneously and walk out without a scratch." Kirishima said.
Bakugou stayed quiet. He didn't have much to say he was mostly trying to figure out what feeling was manifesting in him as he watched Maiko fight.


          "Taking three girls at once, you're pretty confident in your fighting skills." Bakugou said as Maiko walked into the library.
"The bitch deserved it she was talking way too much shit, I was more worried about getting out of there before I got in trouble again."
"Again? Do you make it a habit to get in fights? I should've known that wasn't your first time."
"Not frequently, but sometimes someone will choose the wrong the person to try to "bully" and sometimes people try to take advantage of Fallons niceness so I have to step in." She said.
"Wow a true hero." He scoffed.
"Hero ? Nope that's all you mr. future #1 hero, I prefer vigilante." I said smirking.
"Yah whatever." He scoffed.

         "Seriously though, thank you for stepping up for Mina, she's been trying to get Lexa off her back for so long and Minas not a confrontational person, and obviously there wasn't much me or the guys could do."
"It's no problem I needed to let off some steam anyways." Maiko said.
"I doubt fighting is a healthy way to let off steam."
"Ironic coming from the person who was ready to blow off my face when you bumped into me." She said rolling her eyes.
"Shut up." He said rolling his eyes and for what they thought was the first time they met she laughed.

       Bakugou felt his brain linger on the sound of her laugh. Replaying it in his head. 'What the fuck no, what am I thinking about?' He sighed and put his head down deciding to just sleep for the rest of the time here.


       When the time for tutoring to end came, Maiko heard the doors open as she grabbed her bag. She watched as Aizawa walked in and already knew he found out about the fight.
"Mai you better have a good explanation for why I was called to Nezus office."
"Uh I do, she started it."
"That's not how it works Mai and you know it, we've had this conversation before. We'll talk about this later, Bakugou, do you need a ride home?"
"Oh no im fine waking."
"I insist let's go." He said. They both followed the man.

Once they dropped Bakugou off Aizawa turned to Maiko.
"I swear she started it, she was attacking one of my friends and I couldn't just let her."
"I believe you but Mai violence isn't always the answer, you've gotta think about the consequences of this stuff. I convinced Nezu to let this go but if it happens again your gonna be stuck with cleaning duty at the school."
Maiko shivered at the thought but nodded as they headed inside.

An Unexpected Romance [KATSUKI BAKUGOU x OC]Where stories live. Discover now