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        Maiko sat at the table with Bakugou next to her. They hadn't said much the whole time neither did they speak at lunch, apparently group lunches were gonna be a thing now that Fallon and Mina were getting to know eachother. Their silence wasn't uncomfortable or anything she preferred silence especially when it came to him.

          "Should we really be spying on them?" Sero said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Shhhhh." Denki said.
"It's fine, we're just here to observe and maybe push them a little." Fallon said.
"They've been sitting in silence for so long." Mina said.
"Is this what they do the whole time? Not even talk to eachother?" Kirishima said.
"Hmm how should we make this more interesting?" Denki said.
"Oooo I know I'll ask Maiko to ask Bakugou about where I should take Mina for a date."
"Huhhh?! A date!?" Fallon quickly covered Minas mouth to keep her quiet, her face burned with blush and she would've fell over if Sero hadn't grabbed her.
"Well yah I think the information would be useful for the future and it would bring up the topic of dating for them." Fallon laughed and took out her phone as everyone huddled over her.

" Fallon laughed and took out her phone as everyone huddled over her

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"Ok watch watch!" Sero said.

       Maiko sighed. How the fuck was she supposed to ask him this? She looked over at him, he was leaning back in his chair with his head back looking at the ceiling mindlessly.
"*cough cough*" She cleared her throat.
"Could you cough quieter, it's annoying" He said.
"Die." She glared.
"Oh did you finally wanna ask for help?" He said sitting up right in his chair.
"I told you I don't need your help and I never will." She rolled her eyes.
"I just have a question and it's not for me."
"Ok out with it then."
"Fallon wanted me to ask you for some tips with Mina."
"What kind of tips?"
"I don't know like date ideas or some shit."

          "How the fuck am I supposed to know about date ideas?"
"Aren't you guys best friends?"
"Yah but whenever she talks about cheesy shit I fall asleep."
"Aw don't tell me you've never had a date mr. I walk around like I'm god." Maiko smirked.
"Fuck off I bet you haven't dated either, you're too busy failing classes."
"Fuck you, you don't know that."
"Oh yeah? Tell me about one time you've had a date."
"....fuck off." She glared.
"Ha I knew it."
"Whatever can you just answer the question." Maiko rolled her eyes.

       "Whatever I guess, Mina enjoys quality with the people she cares about, she likes being outdoors so a fucking picnic would be something she'd like, or getting their nails done together, She likes shopping too, more specifically she likes to dress other people and pick stuff out for them. Her favorite color is pink, she likes going to party's and she likes any kind of sweets. Is that enough?" He crossed his arms.
"Uh yah I guess, she sounds a lot like Fallon. Those two are gonna be great together." She said beginning to text back Fallon.

"And what about you?"
"What about me?" Maiko said raising an eyebrow.
"What's your "perfect date idea" or whatever."
"Seriously? Why are you asking me that?"
"It's just a fucking question."
"I don't know, I've never thought about it." Maiko shrugged.
"Come on, you've never thought about it?"
"Alright I'll believe you I guess." He said sarcastically.
"Tch what's your perfect date then?"
"I don't have time for dates." He rolled his eyes.
"You don't have time for dates or you can't get a date?" She said with a smirk.
"Shut up, you can't get a date."
"I don't want to date." She rolled her eyes.
"You don't want to date or you can't get a date?" He said mimicking her smirk and tone.
"Dating is a waste of time, and in case you haven't noticed I'm not exactly a likeable person." She said rolling her eyes.
"We agree on two things then." He said.
"Shut up, you're not likeable either you cocky asshole."
"Fuck you. As if I'd want to date some lame ass extra anyways."

       As she finished texting Fallon back she felt their knees accidentally touch and they both pulled away at the same time. It was weird but neither of them said anything.
"I'm leaving."
"Yah me too." They grabbed their things and left the library.

         "THATS IT?!" Fallon exclaimed now that the two were not in the library.
"Let's get out of here I hate the library it gives me the creeps and I think I'm allergic to books." Denki said as he sniffed and they made their way out of the library.
"Those two are seriously hopeless." Kirishima said.
"Maybe not, we just have to do our best to make them see what we see!" Fallon said determined.


       As they walked home they ended up just walking silently next to eachother.
"Not that I fucking care or whatever, but if you don't have a boyfriend where are you always sneaking off to at night?" Bakugou said breaking the silence.
"Seems like you care a little if you're so curious. I usually just walk around." She shrugged.
"You just walk around? After 8 o clock? With a duffel bag? That's sus as fuck."
"Calm down it's not as bad as it seems...kinda. If you wanna know so bad, you can come with me." She said it before she even realized what she said.
"Fuck no, unlike you I actually prioritize getting sleep, and I'd rather not know what sketchy shit youre up to." He said crossing his arms.
We stopped at her house and she shrugged, "whatever I was trying to be nice or whatever." She said walking towards her house.

An Unexpected Romance [KATSUKI BAKUGOU x OC]Where stories live. Discover now