12 - lemon girl

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Kai looked over at Yuri's spot to not find her there. He was confused. She was just there not too long ago-

The bell had finally rang and class was over. Yuri had still not returned.

Should I go looking after her? I don't want to just leave her stuff there..

He checked the time. There was still time left before the school day ended.

He grabbed her notebook as he walked out of the class.

Where could she have gone?

Kai headed out to the school plaza as he stepped on something. He looked over and saw a trampled paper heart.

"Hey.. these look like the hearts Yuri made in class" He thought, picking it up.

He looked over next to him and saw another one.

Kai got up and noticed how they were scattered throughout the ground. Why were they all just over the ground.

His question was answered when he felt another paper heart brush against his hand as it felt to the ground by his feet.

Did that just fall from the sky?

He looked around confused as he glanced up and saw a bunch falling from an area from the school's roof. He rushed back inside as he went up the stairs to the roof as he opened the door.

He saw a girl with a wolfcut as her hair being pushed by the wind. She kept ripping up pieces of paper forming them into hearts.

Kai walked up to them as he stepped on a clump of paper making her turn around.

"Yuri" He said as she turned around.

"Huening Kai-?" She said next expecting to see him up there with her.

"What are you doing up here silly?" He said walking up to her.

"Skipping photography class.." She said looking away.

"How come- do you not like sitting with me..?" He said quietly.

"It's not you.." She said, "ugh- it's me."

"If you don't want to be friends I understand-"

"I do want to be your friend-" She cut him off.

"Ah.. it's just that I plan on leaving.. and uh-"

"Oh? Are you switching schools?" He said crouching next to her.

She gulped nervously.

"Scratch that- I just don't want to get emotionally attached I guess.." Yuri said looking away.

Will that make him leave me alone?

"It's okay" He smiled. "I won't leave you Yuri"

I felt my heart in my throat.

"You won't?" I blurted out.

"No- why would I?" He laughed a bit, "I'm the one who wants be friends with you silly"

Yuri smiled feeling a bit better.

"Just don't be late again- I thought you weren't going to show up to class"

"Ah right- I'm sorry about that," He scratched the back of his neck cutely. "I won't do it again."

I promise

Yuri sighed while trailing her fingers against the fence of the park she lives by.

That's when he made a promise to me, that he wouldn't leave me.

But will he keep it

She looked down at the notebook he had returned to her.

It had his number on it with cute doodles on it.

'Call me Yuri (><)'

She felt a bit sad and lonely, she liked having Huening Kai's company. But she didn't really want to tell him that.

I have to return to that empty house on my own.

Damn it.

I feel rude.. trying to push him away even thought we just met. And to top it all off he wants be me friend.

A current bitter sweet relationship. Like a disgusting sour lemon.

And I am that disgusting lemon.

When Yuri finally made it home, she shut the door tightly behind her and leaned against it with her back. She sighed knowing she was safe within the walls of her grandma's house.

Yuri tiredly walked over to her couch and flopped onto it. She suddenly thought about her grandma.

Should I tell my parents about it?

. . .

Yuri slipped her phone out of her pocket as she scrolled into the depths of her phone to find her parents' contacts. There had been multiple times she had blocked them.

She called her mom first as it immediately went to voice call.

Geez. How busy could this woman be with her job.

"Mom-" She began with. It left a bitter taste in her mouth. This woman didn't even feel like her mom.

"Grandma's in the hospital right now.. from a reaction to her medication-" She said into the phone.

"..." Yuri paused.

"Call me back" She said hanging up.

She threw her phone onto the couch next to her as she held onto her face.

I hope that wasn't a bad choice.

Yuri's heart jumped when her phone began to ring. It was unknown number, but it wasn't her mother's.


"Is this Lee Yuri?" She heard a female voice on the other line.


"Your grandmother has woken up"

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