17 - odd reunion

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Yuri stood outside by the messier side of the city as she waited for Juwon to show up.

"Hey-! Yur" He said, placing his arm around her aggressively.

"I told you not to call me that stupid nickname." She said shoving his arm off of her.

"You came" He said, his hands in his pockets. "Didn't think you'd come"

"You reek of cigarettes" She plainly said.

"You'll have to get used to it if you want to hangout with us-"

"Who ever said I came back for you?" She said, arching an eyebrow at him.

"I came back to see Cherry" She said crossing her arms.

"Alright, alright" He said, "I'll take you to see her then"

We walked pretty far and we were in some weird secluded area.

"Did you just bring me here to kill me-"

"Yuri!" She heard a voice shout.

She felt an embrace of her old friend, hugging her tightly. She shut her eyes and hugged her back.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming-!" She said, holding her by the shoulders, "I would've gotten cute for you"

"You look fine don't worry silly-"

"I'll get going then-" Juwon said walking off-

"What- he told me to come back because you guys missed me and he's leaving-" Yuri rolled her eyes.

"I heard from Doyoung that he has a thing for you-" Chaeryong said.

"Ugh- please. He's haven't seen me in years." Yuri said, rolling her eyes.


"Where's my 'brother' anyways" She said referring to Doyoung.

"He's not here today, he probably will be tomorrow" She smiled. "But about that Juwon thing-"

"What is it now?" Yuri asked.

Chaeryoung looked around cautiously as she pulled Yuri closer.

"He actually has been seeing you."

"What-" Yuri asked confused.

"He's been talking about what you've been doing none stop." She said, quietly. "And we haven't seen you in three years-"

"What has he been doing? Following me?" Yuri said as she went quiet.

She remembered that day she left the hospital- someone had been following her.

"Maybe-" Chaeryoung said. "Why has someone been following you?"

. . .


"Well no.. not necessarily" She said looking down at her feet.

"Okay- let me just see if I'm hearing this right," Yuri said shaking her head. "So you're telling me Juwon has a thing for me and he's been stalking me."

"I guess that's what it seems like-" Chaeryoung said.

"Great-" Yuri rolled her eyes.

"You're not scared-?" She asked.

"The only thing scary is the thought of us being in a relationship." Yuri said.

Chaeryoung laughed.

"Do me a favor Yuri- if he shows up at your house please go back to your parents"

Yuri went quiet.

"Look- I know you don't like them- but it's better than a creepy confession from Juwon at your front door step" Chaeryoung shrugged.

"You have a point" I laughed it off.

But in all honesty I was creeped out.

A few hours past by after our weird discussion about Juwon and we caught up.

"I should get back home" Yuri said as she got up.

"Me too, don't let Juwon follow you back" She joked.

As I walked back I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. I didn't know how to exactly feel about the whole Juwon thing but I've only had one occurrence of someone following me so I decided to shrug it off.

Now why would that idiot follow me?

My phone vibrated.

I checked it as I read it confused. It was my mom of all people.

Yuri, I need you back home.

She can't be serious. I swiped the message away so it wouldn't be a constant bother.

Like I'd live under the same roof with the person who sent me to the mental hospital.

That place was terrible.

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