30 - loneliness

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Yuri was at therapy once again after a long time of not going, she felt numb hearing what her therapist had to tell her.

"Yuri, by all the stuff you've been telling me for the past week it seems like you have not been improving," He said, looking up from his notes.

Yuri sat there silently.

"What worries me the most is that you tell me you feel suicidal every time we meet," Yuri's therapist said.

"Ever since my grandma died.. I feel like there's nothing to keep me up, I wake up to an empty house everyday, and the only person who is keeping me going is my friend"

"Yes, so you've said," He said.

Yuri rubbed her arms where the scars from over a month now have healed slowly.

"Yuri, let me ask you one thing," He suddenly said.

"Are you planning on going through with it"

. . .

Yuri sat silently in her seat not knowing how to respond, she felt like her tongue was stuck in place.

" I don't know."

"Well, by law I have to send you to the hospital until you show improvement," He said as Yuri felt numb in her chair.

"Who's going to pick me up after my weeks are up?" Yuri asked quietly.

"Your parents, they'll be taking you back into custody, but I've spoken to them to be patient with you" He explained.

"Thank you.. " Yuri said feeling pathetic.

"You're going through a lot right now yet you're still here, being strong" He reassured her.

That sounds like something Kai would say to me..

Yuri looked down at her legs as tears slid down her face.

"I'll give you time to prepare," He said getting up and leaving Yuri alone in the room.

What am I going to tell Kai? He's going to think I'm crazy for going to a mental hospital..

But I'm not crazy.

He won't think I'm crazy.


Kai was at home as he was finishing up with assignments for the day as the bell rang.

"Kai~! You're girlfriend is at the door~" Bahiyyih cooed from the living room.

"My girlfriend?" Kai said walking to the door to see Yuri.

"I'll leave you two alone" Bahiyyih smiled as she skipped off.

"Hiyyih-" Kai tried scolding her.

"Yuri? What's going on?" He asked noticing how pale and fatigue she looked.

Yuri pulled Kai outside his front doorstep. 

"I'm being sent to a mental hospital.." Yuri said feeling ashamed.

"Are you okay?" Kai said showing immediate worry instead of disgust like Yuri had thought he would. 

"My therapist doesn't think I'm doing good.." Yuri explained, "he thinks it's best if I stay there for a bit"

"How long will you be gone for.." Kai asked shyly.

"Maybe for 2 weeks..?" Yuri said as her parents honked at her from the car to hurry up.

"Is that your parents?" Kai said semi shocked that Yuri was with them.

"Yeah.. we talked a bit and we're okay now.." Yuri unknowingly smiled.

Kai felt his ears sting, it's rare seeing Yuri smile now.

"Wait, let me get you a going away present then," He said running back into his house.

Yuri peeked in confused as Kai returned with one of his plushies.

"Here, he'll keep you company" Kai smiled handing her the plushie.

Yuri looked down at the plushie as tears escaped her eyes.

"You should go before I start missing you.." Kai said trying to lighten the mood with a joke.

Yuri blinked back her tears as Kai helped wipe them for her.

"I have to go," Yuri muttered, "I'll see you again soon" She smiled.

Kai felt his heart pound as he reached his arm out stopping Yuri.

"Yuri- I-I love you" He said as Yuri's heart began to race.

Yuri didn't know if Kai meant it platonically or more.

"I love you too Kai" She said hugging him.

Yuri quickly tested her luck as she gave a peck on Kai's cheek as she walked off to her car.

Yuri waved slowly from her parent's car as they drove off into the city.

Kai waved back as he was immediately washed over a wave of loneliness.

Yuri turned in her seat trying to look at Kai until she couldn't anymore.

Yuri turned back around in her seat as she hugged the plushie as tears escaped her eyes. 

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