33 - shy

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I woke up, sore in my bed as my ears began to sting as I remembered everything that happened last night.. 

Yuri touched her lips as she could still feel Kai's lips against hers. 

Yuri grabbed her pillow and stuffed her face into it- internally screaming. 

She pulled it down, staring at her old bedroom ceiling, all of this felt surreal.. it was both heaven and hell. I guess that's just how earth can be at times. It's purgatory.

My phone suddenly vibrated, I sort of jump whenever I get a message from my phone, reminds me of my grandma's death.. 

I checked and it was a message from Kai. 

I have a surprise for you waiting at the school gate ~ ♡ !!

Yuri smiled at the message, she sent him a heart since her mom was scolding at her to get out of bed. Yuri actually liked it, she finally understood what it was like to have parents. 

Yuri was driven to school by her mom as most of the car ride was silent, apart from the radio talking about the weather. 

"I quit my job today," Yuri's mom said breaking the silence. 

Yuri's scrunches into an obvious confused face. For all her life she knew that job meant so much to her mom. Why would she suddenly quit it now? 

"Why-" Yuri asked in disbelief. 

"To be able to take care of you." She said as if it were nothing. 

"But mom.. you treated that job like if it was your life" Yuri said sinking into her seat. 

"I realized there's more things important than a job" She said not taking her eyes off of the street. 

Yuri sat in her seat in utter confusion and disbelief. 

"You quit your job for me?" Yuri asked. 

"Yes, it's time to act like the mother you've always wanted with the time I have left" She said. 

"I'm really sorry Yuri, I should've been there for you and talked to you instead of sending you to that mental hospital." Her mom apologized. 

"I had depression once too, so did your grandma, I'm starting to think it's genetics but I just want you to feel happy." She said as she pulled over to park as she turned to see Yuri. 

Yuri was biting down on her tongue fighting back the tears. She covered her mouth with her sleeve. 


"That's all I've ever wanted to hear." 

"I love you, Yuri I'm so sorry" Her mother said hugging her daughter as she burst into tears. 

Yuri clutched onto her mom, she hadn't hugged her since her grandpa died. 

They eventually pulled away as Yuri's eyes were all puffy and she blew her nose. 

"Sorry-" Yuri said. 

"Don't apologize for your feelings" Her mom said, putting a pouch of tissues away. 

"Have a good day at school" Her mom said, for once in a long time, smiling. 

Yuri's eyes widened. 

"I love you mom."

Yuri rubbed her eyes as she walked to the school gates. She gasped as Kai suddenly picked her up slightly from a hug. 

"Yuri-!" He hugged her as they kissed. 

His smile disappeared as he noticed Yuri's eyes. 

"Are you okay Yuri?" 

"Yeah.. I'll tell you at the bleachers"

"What happened Yuri?" Kai asked as they now sat at the bleachers, Yuri staring at the sky. 

"My mom quit her job-" Yuri said as Kai frowned. 

"Oh no-" He said. 

"But she said she did it for me" Yuri explained.

"Oh yay-!" Kai smiled as Yuri blushed at his little actions. 

"And she apologized for not being there for me and she'd make it up to me" Yuri said still not being able to believe it. 

"I'm glad your mom is realizing her mistakes, I hope things get better for you guys" He smiled as Yuri's heart began to race. 

"I hope so too.." Yuri shrugged. 

"Remember my text said I had a surprise?" Kai asked Yuri. 

"Yeah?" She said as Kai pulled something out of his bag. 

"Look-! I got us a ticket to one of the school's plays" He smiled widely. 

Yuri grabbed it as she looked down at it and smiled. 

"Ooh, and it's about true crime, I love it" Yuri smiled. 

"I got these since it's the first place I laid eyes on you" He said, turning red. "I thought it'd make a cute first date.." 

"Why so shy?" Yuri asked. 

"I don't know.. I get shy around you sometimes" He said hiding his face semi jokingly. 

"Why though-?" She laughed. 

"You're just so cute and cool.." He said as Yuri leaned closer to his face.

"I feel the exact way with you" Yuri said looking into his starry eyes. 

"Feels kind of funny-" Yuri said "we used to be complete strangers and now we're dating.. seems crazy"

"And ironically this was the first place we ever hanged out with each other" Kai mentioned as Yuri looked around remembering. 

"Ah you're right-" Yuri said getting deja vu. 

"Let's carve our initials into it along with the others." Yuri said finding a rock and scratching her initial onto the bleacher. 

Kai smiled looking at Yuri and seeing how much she's improved mentally and physically. 

Now one of the many bleachers now had their initials carved into it. 

The two smiled as they looked over at each other. 

The two slowly leaned in closer to each other as they placed their lips onto each other's. 

Kai held Yuri as she placed her hand onto Kai's chest as he pulled away and squealed like a dolphin. 

"What is it-?" Yuri asked startled. 

"I've never made out with anyone before-!" Kai said getting shy again. 

"It's okay me neither-" Yuri laughed as Kai hugged her embarrassed as she kept teasing him on the bleachers.

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