27 - phone call

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Yuri finally arrived home taking glances every few minutes worrying Juwon was following her home with his damn grey hoodie.

Surprisingly, nobody even stood behind her as she walked home.

Yuri flopped onto her bed, exhausted from all the sudden emotions she had just gone through in the span of an hour.

Yuri's phone suddenly vibrated next to her as she picked up and smiled at the notification.

It was Chaeryoung texting Yuri how she was doing.

Hey cutie-! How are you feeling?

Something weird just happened..

What happened? Chaeryoung asked.

It has to do with Juwon again

Of course it does lol  Chaeryoung texted.

Can I call you and tell you about it?

Yuri was now on a call with Chaeryoung telling her all about her parents and how they completely emptied her bank account.

"You're parents are full of shit for that-" Chaeryoung said.

"I guess it's my punishment for not answering the door" Yuri said.

"Anyway- I was originally going to tell you what happened with Juwon" Yuri said remembering the marks, it made her feel uneasy.

"What happened with you and Juwon now?" She asked.

"Well.." Yuri said not knowing how to start, "After I went to the bank, I decided to go for a walk at the park right?"

"Mhm, what happened did he bump into you?" Chaeryoung asked.

"More like I bumped into him, and we talked a bit" Yuri said remembering all the stuff Juwon had told her earlier.

"What did he say now?" Chaeryoung rolled her eyes.

"It's not what he said- well uh, it's more of what I saw" Yuri tried to explain.

"What?" Chaeryoung asked.

Yuri felt her heart sink into her stomach.

"Juwon had my name cut into his skin.." Yuri said.

The two had gone quiet.

"What-?" Chaeryoung said in somewhat shock, "I knew he was a little crazy but this-?"

"Chaeryoung it's really freaking me out- what does this mean?" Yuri said getting anxious.

"Well, if we have the idea that he might like you then.." Chaeryoung paused, "He must be doing it to get your attention or attract you to him"

Yuri grew sick to her stomach.

"Who would ever do that.." Yuri said in disbelief.

"Juwon would I guess" Chaeryoung said.

"Yuri" She suddenly said.


"I'd start carrying around pepper spray" Chaeryoung said solemnly.

My heart couldn't stop racing from the thought of Juwon getting his hands on me.

I did a breathing exercise my therapist taught and I calmed down.

"Thanks Chaeryoung.." Yuri said.

"Always Yuri," She said, "I'll text you later though, my mom is calling me"

The call ended and my anxiety seemed to just increase in the dead silence of my room.

Why can't I just feel safe in my own home?

Yuri sat up on her bed as she dialed a number

Yuri was walking sort of slow not knowing how to feel after what Chaeryoung told her.

Yuri felt a bit of ease as she saw Kai ahead of her.

"Kai hey-" Yuri said trying her best to form a smile.

"What's going on Yuri?" Kai asked immediately knowing something was up.

"It's Juwon again.." Yuri said starting to shake a bit, "He's scaring me"

Kai walked closer to Yuri and looked down at her.

"What happened?" Kai asked as the question wanted to make Yuri cry.

"Juwon.. I saw my name carved into his arm and.." Yuri said breathing shakily, "I don't know what to do.."

Kai hugged Yuri comforting her with his warmth.

"I'm scared.." Yuri muttered under her breath holding him tight.

"I know you are.. but I won't let anything happen to you" He said.

Yuri took a deep breath, listening to Kai's heart beat. 

The two stared at each other now in silence, the atmosphere seemed oddly peaceful.

Their hearts began to slowly race as they looked in one another's eyes feeling safe.

Yuri glanced at his cherry lips. They mocked her from the first time they kissed.

Kai took a step closer as Yuri's phone suddenly rang.

Kai's ears flushed a bit, flustered.

Yuri answered her phone confused, it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" Yuri spoke into the phone.

"Is this Lee Yuri?" a voice spoke from the other side.

"Yes?" Yuri responded.

"This is Lee Ahnjong's doctor," they said.

"I'm sorry to inform you that your grandmother has passed away."

Yuri's heart stopped, the calm feeling had faded.

The world froze and grew extremely cold.

"What was that.." Yuri muttered as Kai looked at her worried.

"Lee Ahnjong, she's passed away."

𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 [ 휴닝카이 ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora