22 - mysterious boyfriend

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Yuri was hanging out with Chaeryoung when suddenly Juwon came out of nowhere.

"Hey Yuri~" Juwon said aggressively rubbing Yuri's head.

"Ugh- what do you want now-?"

"Geez- so rude to your friend-" Juwon said sitting next to them.

"I'm not your friend-" Yuri said scooting away from him.

"You're acting like you have a super possessive boyfriend right now Yuri-" Juwon said rolling his eyes.

Yuri suddenly remembered what happened earlier that day-

Yuri's face stung when she could feel Kai's lips against hers ..

"I do actually-" Yuri said as Juwon grew extremely quiet.

"Who is this mysterious boyfriend?" Juwon suddenly got all nosey.

"Why should I tell you?" Yuri said rolling her eyes.

"C'mon I just wanna meet the guy-!" Juwon said standing up.

"Why do you suddenly care so much-?" Yuri said crossing her arms.

"As your older friend I feel like it is my responsibility to look after you," He declared.

"What a load of horse shit," Chaeryoung said.

"If you really do have a 'boyfriend' invite him over to your house for a party."

"Excuse me-?" Yuri said, "Who said I'm throwing a party?"

"Are you saying you don't have a boyfriend?" Juwon said raising a brow at her.

Yuri rolled her eyes.

"Okay fine, I'll invite him over to my house this Friday," Yuri smiled smugly, crossing her arms.

"Ugh- you guys are always making bets .." Chaeryoung said annoyed.

"Let's see if this mysterious boyfriend even exists" Juwon said, laughing.

"And if he does will you leave me alone?" Yuri said cornering him.

He grew quiet for a bit. He shrugged.

"Fine, that is if he's real," As they shook hands.

It was finally Friday night- and my friends came over my place as we played drinking games getting tipsy and smoking. Despite inviting Kai and telling him days prior—
he didn't show up.

I felt so embarrassed- he said he'd come over- yet he didn't ..

I felt so many things at once- the strongest was this pain in my chest that I've been feeling ever since I kissed Kai, yet I didn't know what it was.

Most of her friends left- or so she thought.

Yuri was alone on her front porch as she smoked her lit cigarette as she heard a soft yet deep voice call out her name.


Yuri turned, she saw Huening Kai looking back at her-

"K-Kai-?" Yuri said rubbing her eyes thinking she was seeing things. "Is that you?"

"Yeah- I'm sorry I came late-" He said sitting next to her.

Yuri said nothing.

"You're not mad at me or are you ..?" He asked timidly.

"No- I'm mad at myself- this party wasn't even my idea- I made a bet with my friend that if you came he'd leave me alone"

Huening Kai paused.

"I'm so sorry Yuri-" Kai said fidgeting his hands, "I let you down-"

Yuri rubbed her eyes.

"No matter how many people I surround myself with, I can't help but to still feel lonely." Yuri said.

Yuri suddenly felt warmth around her, Kai's arms were around her.

"Did you forget your eyes speak for you when your mouth can't?" He said as Yuri realized she was crying.

Have I been crying the whole time?

"Yuri let me make it up to you," He hugged her from behind as she sniffled.


Kai turned her as he gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Yuri's heart felt like it was going to jump out of her chest.

"Let's meet up with your friends so you can introduce me to them as your boyfriend" He said with a smile.

His smile made all of Yuri's pain and worries disappear into thin air.

"Are you sure that's a good idea-?" Yuri asked, "my friend who made the bet might be the guy in the hoodie who's been stalking me.."

"I don't care, I want to make it up to you"

Yuri's face stung under the moonlight.

"Kai, do you know how to skateboard?"

I'm sorry if this was poorly written </3
but like can we can talk about this HUENING KAI??

I'm sorry if this was poorly written </3but like can we can talk about this HUENING KAI?? HIS BLACK HAIR>>

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