move on

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Hey guys, im sorry its been so long, my nanna didn't make it, I've taken time to grieve, I really was struggling and I dared not write in case my dark mood effected my writing ability.

And sure as long as I love my nanna there's always going to be sadness in my heart at her loss but ive accepted shes in a better place, probably shaking her head in dissaproval at my grieve because she cherished my laughter.

I will always love her, will miss her and I will live on with her in my memory. (Perhaps if people would like I could share a few happy memories woth you.)

Part of that is starting to write again, its something I love doing, letting my imagination run wild and let other people appreciate it makes it worth the while.

So this is me, im back, once im back on top of college ill update a few of my stories this being one of them.

Thank you all for the support, it has really helped

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