Robbie Kay Imagine #13 (Part Two)

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After 10 minutes, Robbie walked out into his backyard without a shirt. You looked at him for a split second, seeing how good he looked, and looked away just as fast because holy crap he looked amazing. He hopped the fence with ease and put his towel over a chair. You were pressed against the side of the pool because you didn't want to be in anyone's way.

"(Y/N)..." (Y/B/F/N) whispered as she came over to you. "Wipe your chin, you're drooling."

You wiped your chin, then realized what she had said. "Don't make me drown you." You said shooting her a death glare with a smile. She just laughed and splashed you.

After Robbie got into the pool, Scatter had ended and you were all talking about where Robbie came from. Well, everyone except you. You had no idea what to talk about. Robbie was telling a story about his sister's cat, Dusty, when something stung you on your shoulder.

"Ah crap!" You said, swatting at whatever stung you.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" (Y/B/F/N) asked.

"I think a bee stung me." You said, looking at the stinger in your shoulder.

"C'mere." Robbie said as he got out of the pool. "I know exactly what to do."

You followed him and he made some mud from the dirt in your dad's garden and the pool water. He put some mud around the bee sting to help get the stinger out.

You winced at the pain and watched as Robbie helped you.

"My dad helped my sisters with this all the time." He said smiling. "It only hurts for a little bit."

After about a minute, Robbie wiped the mud off of your shoulder and plucked the stinger out with ease. You looked at the now bloody dot where the stinger was. You looked at Robbie who smiled.

"That's really cool." You said smiling. "I never would have thought to do that."

Robbie shrugged. "I never would have either if it weren't for my sisters being stupid and poking a bee hive." He said laughing a little.

Everyone got out of the pool and went out front to dry off. You had gotten a band-aid for the sting and it was a TMNT one from when your cousin was over. He always gave you the Mikey ones, which was why you had the Mikey one on the cut.

(Y/B/F/N) looked at your band-aid and gave you a look. "Really?" She asked.

"Hey! Connor only lets me use the Mikey ones! He uses all the other ones. Besides, they're the only kind we have." You explained, whining a little bit.

Robbie smiled at you and you blushed a little. You could tell that something was up between him and you. You just had no idea what it was.

"Robbie, would you and your family like to come over for dinner?" Your mom asked as she walked out.

"I can ask." Robbie said smiling.

He yelled into the house from the doorway since he didn't want to go into the air conditioned house soaking wet.

"Mom!" He called.

His mother walked out and your mom smiled at her. They started talking about your mom having them over for dinner. Robbie's mom agreed and said that she would bring the dessert.

Dinner was going to be at 5, so you all had time. Everyone went to go get changed. You walked into your room and pulled out the cutest clothes you could find. You pulled on your lacy skirt as well as a mint green collared shirt. You had cute flip flops on as well. You put your hair into a ponytail and curled it a bit before walking into the bathroom to check how you looked. You smiled at yourself and walked downstairs again.

As you walked through the living room to get to the kitchen, you smelled barbaque sauce. Your eyes went wide. Was she making ribs?? Oh God no ribs! For the love of God no ribs!! Every time yor mother made ribs, you made a mess of whatever you were wearing. You walked into the kitchen and sighed with relief when your mother put barbaque sauce covered chicken into the oven.

"Oh well don't you look fancy!" Your mom chirped as she looked at you.

You smiled. "Gotta make a good impression, you know?" You said smiling.

Your mother nodded and cooked the mashed potatoes and stuffing while the chicken was cooking. Hopefully you wouldn't look like a pig when you ate. After a half hour, dinner was done and you were shaking with anxiety. You sat at the dinner table in your usual seat, drumming your fingers on the table while chewing on your fingernails. Soon, it was time to eat. Robbie's mother knocked on the door and your mom let her in.

"Camilla and Fiona got called into work for an emergency so they can't come over." Robbie's mother explained. Your mother nodded smiling. Robbie's mom handed your mom something in a tray.

"It's my special Oreo pudding." She said smiling.

"Did you make it with cream cheese and vanilla pudding?" Your mom asked. Robbie sat next to you as your parents talked. He looked at you and you looked back over at him. He smiled at you and you smiled back. He was adorable.

"Oh, (Y/N) loves that pudding!" Your mom said. "My sister-in-law makes it all the time."

Soon, everyone was at the table and dinner was served. It was really good too.

"(Your mom's name), this is delicious!" Robbie's mom said smiling. Your mom smiled.

After eating, everyone started talking. Somehow, the topic of your college major came up.

"(Y/N) wants to go to Full Sail Univeristy down in Florida." Your mom said smiling at you. Robbie's mom smiled at you as well.

"What are you going to study?" She asked you. You smiled.

"I've always wanted to go in for some type of Writing. I'm hopefully going to study creative writing." You said.

"Oh so you're a writer?" Robbie's mom asked. You nodded.

"(Y/N) has tons of stories that she's written!" Your mom gushed. You blushed a little.

Robbie's mom smiled. "Have you ever thought about publishing a book?" She asked. You nodded.

The conversation went on for about 15 more minutes before your mom asked Robbie's mom if the pudding was ready to eat yet. She nodded and they both went to go put some in bowls for everyone. While they were over there, Robbie looked at you.

"What?" You asked, blushing as you looked back at him.

He just shook his head smiling. "You're too cute." he said, making you blush even more.

Before you could respond, your mother walked over with Robbie's mom with the container of Oreo pudding.

Every thought you wanted to tell Robbie vanished when the bowl of Oreo heaven sat in front of you. You scooped up a spoon and ate some, smiling. Robbie ate some of the pudding too and smiled at you. You both sat on the deck out back and looked at the pool.

"I can't believe I got to move into the house right next to a super cute girl." Robbie said. You smiled a little as you scooped some pudding into your mouth.

Robbie smiled at you as you both listened to some music Robbie put on his phone. You knew that summer had just started, but you never wanted it to end.

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