Robbie Kay Imagine #14 (Part One)

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There had to be a million other ideas other than 'Netflix and chill' for a video idea. The group you were in was doing that for a montage video, which made want to jump out of the window that was next to you. The new kid, Robbie, sat next to you, texting on his phone. You had no idea why he was 20 in a senior class, but you decided not to ask questions. You were the only girl in your group, which made the situation a thousand times worse. If your groups idea got approved, you were gonna have to kiss one of the guys.

"(Y/N), you and Robbie are gonna have to make out." Alex, the director, said. You gave Robbie a look, to which he just smiled.

Your face went bright red and you lay your head in your arms. Why did you have to be put into a group with all boys?

"We're gonna film in the tv studio." Alex said, grabbing a camera. You had to drag yourself into the hall and down to the tv studio. You didn't want to do this.

As you sat down next to Robbie, you felt like crying. Why did your first kiss have to be with someone you barely knew for a movie?

"Ready?" Alex asked as he finished setting the camera up. You just shrugged. As the filming started, Robbie out his arm around you and you put your head on his shoulder. After a few seconds, Robbie made you face him and he looked into your eyes. As you both leaned in, you felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest. Robbie kissed you lightly, making you completely explode inside. You both pulled back and Robbie smiled at you. You couldn't help but smile back.

"That was great!" Alex said smiling. You all packed up and Robbie waited for you. He smiled at you when you walked up.

"Was that your first kiss?" He asked. You just sat back in your seat and slumped, nodding.  You felt like if you talked, you would cry. Robbie saw your mood change from terrified to ashamed and put a hand on your shoulder.

"It's okay," he said. "We all had to have a first kiss at one point." You just shrugged.

"They're supposed to be magical and with a person you love. Not someone you barely know." You said. "I'm sorry."

Robbie gave you a look and the bell rang. You walked out of the room and to lunch, where you would finally see your best friend Jamie after a long day. You'd known him since you were in kindergarten. You saw Jamie at the table and you sat down sadly.

"Are you okay?" He asked. You just shrugged.

"I had my first kiss." You said. Jamie smiled at you.

"Congrats!" He said. "Who's the lucky guy?"

"It was Robbie. And he knew it was my first. He could tell." You said.

Jamie sighed. "You kissed your crush. I could never do that. I give you a lot of credit." He said.

You just shrugged. You got your lunch and as you sat down, someone tapped your shoulder. You turned and it was Robbie. He smiled down at you and motioned to the seat next to you. You looked to Jamie then to Robbie, letting him sit down. Robbie smiled at you and you shyly forced a smile back.

"Jamie, can I talk to (Y/N) in private real quick?" Robbie asked. Jamie nodded, putting his headphones in and blaring music.

Robbie turned to you smiling.

"I really like you (Y/N)." He said. "I just got the guts to tell you now and I know you probably don't like me back. I just think you're really pretty and cute and I love how you blush."

You watched as he rambled on and on about how cute you were, speechless that he would ever think of telling you. That anyone would ever tell you that.

"" You said.

"I'm sorry for dropping all of this on you at once." He said.

You shook your head.

"Don't be sorry. It's just a lot to take in." You said. "Nobody ever said anything like this to me before so I don't know how to react."

Robbie nodded. "Well, if you ever want to text me, here's my number." He slid a paper to you with his number on it.

You had no idea how that just happened, but Robbie smiled at you.

"Text me when you can." He said, standing up. "See you later."

You nodded as he walked away, shakily putting his number in your phone. Jamie took his headphones out of his ears and looked at you.

"Did you get his number?" He asked. You nodded, reality not hitting you yet.

"Dude, text him and ask to hang out."

You gave Jamie a look and he smirked.

"I'm not gonna do that." You said.

"(Y/N), you're not gonna have sex, you're just gonna hang out." Jamie replied, shoving you playfully. "You're just gonna do some Netflix and chill."

You slapped his shoulder, laughing at him. "Jamie that's how you end up with 'chill'dren!" You said.

The lunch bell rang and you and Jamie went to your last class, which thankfully didn't have Robbie in it. You sat in your usual seat and you decided to text Robbie quickly.

You: hey Robbie. I'm in my last class. I hope this text doesn't get you into trouble.

Robbie: hey (Y/N). It didn't get me into trouble, don't worry. I was wondering if you would wanna hang out

You: sure I guess. Where?

Robbie: Wherever really. I don't really care as long as I'm with you.

You: you're such a sap Robbie

Robbie: I know ;)

You rolled your eyes with a smile. You texted Robbie throughout the class, getting to know him and letting him get to know you. As the last bell rang, scattering students throughout the halls trying to get home. You went to your locker and got your books. You kicked your locker shut and you slung your bag over your shoulder. As you walked toward the door, you felt someone tap your shoulder. It was Robbie.

"Oh hey Robbie." You said smiling.

"Do you want a ride home?" Robbie asked. "It's kinda cold out and I don't want you getting sick."

You smiled. "Sure."

Robbie walked you to his car and you got into the passenger seat. He drove you home and you both listened to music and sang along. You laughed with Robbie and he turned down your street. You got looks from the neighbors who were outside and you smiles at Robbie.

"Thank you for the ride home Robbie." You said smiling.

"Anytime (Y/N)." He said. He kissed you on the cheek, making the both of you blush.

"S-sorry." Robbie said. You couldn't help but smile.

"It's okay." You said. Robbie smiled.

"I'll text you later." You said smiling. Robbie nodded.

"See you later beautiful." Robbie said as you got out of his car. You waved as he drove off.

As you walked into the house, you smiled to yourself. Your brother gave you a look and just shook his head. You needed to text Robbie.

You: hey Robbie I really like you too but I don't wanna be weird about it so yeah. Where do you wanna hang out? And what time?

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