Robbie Kay Imagine #2

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Okay, so this imagine kinda came through the 5 Seconds of Summer song Amnesia, so if you like that song, please listen to it while reading this imagine. It might have a better effect. If you have never heard of that band, please check them out. They're amaze-balls! 

You and Robbie had gotten into a huge fight, and you were at your parents house, in your old room, crying you eyes out. You were on your laptop, when a Skype call came up. It was from Robbie. You answered it, a little mad that he would push the fight asside. When you saw that he had a guitar, and his face was streaked with tears, your heart broke. 

"Robbie, whats-?" You started. Before you could finish, Robbie started playing the chords to your favorite song by your favorite band. He started singing, and you started crying. He never sang. Ever. Not even in the car when his favorite song was on. And to be honest, he was an amazing singer. You listened to the words flow out of his mouth, and it was perfect. 

Robbie couldn't even finish the song because he was crying too much. "(Y/N)..." He sobbed. "I cant believe we let something so stupid rip you away from me." You let out a sob. "Robbie," You said. "I love you too much to be away from you." Robbie wiped his eyes. "Then meet me at my house, if you can." He said. "I want to make everything right." 


You ran as fast as you could to Robbie's house. When you saw him, you tackled him with a hug. You two stood there in the rain, in each other's arms, letting the world melt around you. "I missed you so much." Robbie mumbled into your neck. "I missed you more." You said into his chest. 

You looked at him, and he was crying with you. "(Y/N)," Robbie said. "I promise that I wont let anything  like that pull you away from me ever again." You nodded. "I love you." He added. "I love you too." You said smiling through your tears. You walked back to Robbie's house, hand in hand. You walked into his room, and you both were in bed, watching your favorite movie and holding each other. You never had a fight like that again. 

Okay wow. I never really cried over an imagine that I've ever written, but this one broke the dam. I guess it's because the song reminds me of my grandfather who passed.  I hope you guys liked it. Again, if you have any requests, please let me know!! - Maggie<3

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