Robbie Kay Imagine #13 (Part One)

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What was it about summertime that you liked? No school? No homework? Being able to stay in the pool until it was midnight? Maybe it was a combination of those things. But this summer was going to be one to remember. The house next to yours was sold after being on the market for about 3 months. The new people were supposed to move in the day that you got let out of school for the summer. You had no idea who these people were or where they were moving from. All you knew was that they were on their way and you didn't meet them yet. What if they were like that one crazy neighbor Rose that lived next door to you? You just had to wait and see. 


The whole high school was crammed into the gym. It was loud and hot. They had just started giving out "awards" to everyone. Each year on the last day, teachers handed out "awards" to some students. They were for the stupidest things too. One year, your friend got an award for bubbliest in the morning or something like that. You had never gotten an award, which didn't bother you much. You hated going in front of everyone. 

"And for the most likely to write a novel by the time she graduates college award," Your favorite teacher, Ms. Kat announced smiling. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)!!"

Your head snapped up. Was she serious?? She knew you hated going in front of a large group, so why would she make you go in front of the whole damn high school?? Some of the kids in the gym cheered, while others clapped. If it were one of the more popular kids, they'd get a standing ovation. You thought. You sighed and went to accept the award. You took it from your teacher and said a quick thank you before walking back to your seat at the padded wall. You looked down at the little certificate and shook your head. The awards kept being handed out. You felt like a total weirdo for getting an award. 

After all of the awards were passed out, the dance party started. Well, it wasn't really a dance party at all. Everyone just stood around talking over the music. You leaned against the wall while your friends chased each other. You were finally allowed to leave and you ran out of the school faster than ever. You got to your mom's car and sat in the front seat. 

"How was your last day?" Your mom asked as you buckled in. 

"Horrible." You said sighing. 

"Why? What happened?" 

"Ms. Kat gave me a stupid award and I had to get it in front of the whole high school." You said. 

Your mom sighed and gave you this whole lecture on how you had to go in front of people sometimes. That's the only way to get over that fear. 

As your mother pulled into the driveway, there was a moving truck in front of the house next door. You walked up to your front door and waited for your mom to follow. You heard a few people talking in the next house and you heard someone yell, "Robbie! Can you go grab my bag from your car please?" A second of silence followed. "Camilla, you need to stop leaving your crap in my car!" 

Someone walked out of the house and looked at you. They were a boy with sort of messy brown hair and he was wearing a short sleeve shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He smiled at you and ran to a red Mustang that was parked in front of the house. Then it clicked. That was Robbie Kay from that show Once Upon A Time. Your friend introduced you to it but you couldn't really get into it that much. You could barely watch it so there were plot holes everywhere each time you tried to watch an episode. But from what you did watch, you fell for the boy who played Peter Pan. He was an amazing actor as well as really cute. 

He walked back up the steps as your mother walked to the door to your house. 

"You must be Robbie." She said smiling. Robbie nodded. 

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