Robbie Kay Imagine #10

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Okay so I have been so behind with the updates and I can't apologise enough. I've been having the worst couple of weeks ever, so I hope you guys can understand. Honestly, I've been such a wreck and crying my eyes out almost every night for the past month. I'l try my best to update as much as I can, but if I don't please understand that there's a whole lot going on. I love you guys<3

Your moods ranged from crying your eyes out to getting ready to start the third world war over the past few days. There was honestly no calming you down unless you were sleeping. Robbie knew that you were due for the Devil's River, so he was doing everything in his power to keep you sane. You were so thankful to have him in your life. Without him, you'd probably be out on the streets stabbing a tree. Yeah, that's how pissed off you could get. 

There was snow falling lightly outside, and you were curled up on the couch under a blanket. You had begun to watch some TV to pass the time. Robbie was out filming, so you were all by yourself. You had taken the last of the Midol, which should keep you under wraps for about 7 hours. During these types of times, you usually had to take two tablets of Midol every 7 hours to keep yourself calm. It was working, which was good. The house was dark, with the exception of the glowing from the TV and the street lights. 

It was about 6 at night, which shocked you. It felt like you had just gotten out of bed. Your stomach grumbled, making you sigh and check the clock on your phone. 6:15. Robbie should be home soon. He had told you that he was bringing home some pizza. You had been craving pizza like crazy. Just as you were about to get up and make something, Robbie walked into the house. He had a pizza box.

"Hey babe." He said sweety as he planted a kiss on your lips. You smiled a little and Robbie put the pizza box on the table and sat by your feet. "You doing alright?" 

You nodded. "Yeah." You said softly. "Where did you get the pizza?" You sat up and eyed the box. 

Robbie smiled. "Your favorite place babe. Zach's." He said. You smiled. You were so lucky. Robbie handed you a paper plate and put a piece of pizza on it. You smiled and bit into the piece of pizza. You sighed and Robbie smiled. He3 took a piece and you both sat on the couch, eating pizza and watching cartoons. After you finished your 2nd piece of pizza, you felt a pain in your waist. You winced and started to get up. 

"You okay (Y/N)?" Robbie asked. You nodded. 

"Y-Yeah..." You mumbled. "Cramps." 

You walked into the bathroom and sighed. You finally got it. After 2 weeks of being late, it finally came. It was reassuring to you. It meant you weren't pregnant. Not that you would be, of course. You and Robbie had yet to have your first time together. You put a pad on and walked out of the bathroom. 

"I think we need to go to the store." You said. "We sort of ran out of..." Before you could finish, Robbie stood up. 

"Pads?" He asked. You nodded, blushing. Robbie nodded and pulled his shoes on as well as his jacket. 

" you think you're up to coming with me?" Robbie asked as he turned to you. "I don't really know..." You nodded and put slippers and one of Robbie's sweatshirt's on. 

You both got into his car and drove down to the Walmart down the street. You gripped Robbie's hand as you both walked into the store. Robbie followed you like a lost puppy down the isle where the pads were. 

He looked at all of the different brands and his eyes went wide. "Wow..." He whispered. You just giggled and grabbed the ones you needed. Robbie looked at you and you smiled a little. 

Robbie was still holding your hand as you walked around the store, picking up Midol and other things you needed. You finally finished and you looked at Robbie.

"Ready?" You asked. Robbie nodded. You both walked to the line to buy what you needed, and Robbie smiled a little. 

"I'll be right back." He said. You watched as Robbie walked away quickly. You paid for the stuff and waited near the door for your boyfriend. You were just about to text him when he walked up with a bag. 

"Where did you go?" You asked. Robbie smiled. 

"I just had to pick something up." He said. You rolled your eyes and you both drove home. You decided to take a shower, which gave Robbie time to do what he was planning. As you walked into the living room, you saw Robbie sitting on the couch next to a huge teddy bear. The whole table in front of the couch was filled with chocolate, movies, and stuff Robbie thought you needed. 

You sighed as you sat on the couch next to Robbie. He smiled and hugged you. 

"Robbie, it's only a week. I'm not dying." You said smiling. 

Without a word, Robbie pulled a DVD off the table and showed it to you. It was the One Direction movie. You glared playfully at him and he just kissed you. 

For the rest of the night, you both sat there watching the One Direction movie as well as some other movies. It was safe to say that you had the best boyfriend in the world. 

I'm so so so so so sorry if this makes zero sense. I was just making it up as I went along. I tried making it funny and cute at the same time. I have no idea if it worked or not. Probably not. Oh well. I hope you guys liked it!! Tell me if you did please. Thanks a million!

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