Little Note + Thank You

1.7K 40 9

*goes up to the microphone, holding a fake award*

W-Wow, uhm, I'd like to thank my family, my friends, everyone who believed in me....!

No just kidding I'm not doing that...


When I started this little imagine book in June 2014, I had no idea that it would get even close to 9K reads. I just thought, "Hey! Since everyone else is doing this, I'll do it too!" (Peer pressure maybe? Idk.)

But seriously. 9K??? That's UNBELIEVABLE!! 

I'm literally sitting on my bed right now, hunched over, smiling like an idiot. (Or an evil genius who's planning on taking over the world...)

Ever since I joined Wattpad in July, I never really thought I would get this far. I've read some amazing stories, all fanfics, written a few, and even made a few friends. It's been a great journey so far and I can't wait to maybe reach 10K reads!! 

And for that long 4 part imagine, the grandfather in that story is based off of my grandfather. My grandfather passed 4 years ago in January 2011. He was such a great guy. He never saw me dye my hair so I have no clue how he would have reacted if I just showed up with bright red hair to his house. He'd probably shave my head tbh ahah. But I'm going to dedicate that whole imagine to him. He's always been there for me when I needed him. Thanks Poppy. You're the best. 

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy my stories and I hope to write many more in the future. 

Thank you guys for everything. I love you guys so much. 

Love always, 


Robbie Kay/Peter Pan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now