Robbie Kay Imagine #12 (Part Two)

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  • Dedicata a Poppy McTague


Did they really think Robbie was your boyfriend?? You were already fake dating all of the members of One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer, so your grandmother would think that every single boy you talked to or even looked at was your boyfriend.

Your grandfather was sitting next to you, looking at you.

"Did you buy anything?" He asked smiling. You smiled and showed him the bag.

"What the hell is this??" He asked, pulling the hair dye out of the bag. "I don't think you asked me first!"

You giggled. "Poppy, you said to go red the next time I dyed my hair. So I am." You said.

Your grandfather smiled and handed the bag back. "Just don't dye your eyebrows."

"(Your grandfathers name)!!" Your grandmother scolded.

"What?" Your grandfather asked.

"It's not possible to dye your eyebrows!"

Your grandfather smiled. "I know that." He said. "I was making sure."

There was a small silence then. The only sounds were the wind going by the car and your grandmother chomping on her gum. You soon got to the hospital where your cousin was and your youngest cousin Connor was playing on the floor.

"Poppy! Grammie!" Connor exclaimed. He ran into your grandparents arms and they wrapped him in a hug.

Connor hugged you next and then your mother. You walked over to your cousin and she looked exhausted.

"You look beat." You said smiling.

Your cousin nodded. "Those kids kept me up from 1 am to now. The second one just didn't want to come out." She said laughing. You giggled.

"Where are they?" You asked.

"Over in the corner in the little crib thing." Your cousin said smiling. "Go ahead and see them."

You smiled and your cousin got out of her hospital bed to follow you.

"(Your cousins name), um I don't think you should be up and moving. You just had two kids." You said, holding her hand.

"Oh shush. They were great. I'm not gonna fall apart (Y/N)!" She joked. You smiled and followed her to the babies.

"This is Lucas Michael Doyne." Your cousin said as she rubbed the smaller ones stomach. He wiggled and smiled in response.

"And this little booger is Robert Patrick Doyne." She rubbed the other ones head, making him open his eyes. His eyes were green and very beautiful.

"They're adorable, (your cousins name)! Congratulations!" You said, hugging your cousin softly.

Little Lucas let out a small cry and your cousin picked him up. (Y/N) do you think you can feed Robert while I feed Lucas?" She asked. You nodded and carefully scooped up Robert.

You sat down with him in your arms and he looked up at you. "Hey buddy!" You said smiling as you grabbed the bottle.

You put the nipple into Roberts little mouth and he started drinking whatever was in the bottle. You assumed it was formula. Robert gripped the bottle and held it a little by himself.

"You're one fast learner!" You said smiling.

Robert drank the formula like there was no tomorrow and you smiled at him as you took the bottle away.

"I had no idea you could drink that fast!" You cooed.

You sat Robert up on your lap and put a little wash cloth on his chest so you could burp him.

Robbie Kay/Peter Pan ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora