a date... oh i got to get in on this.

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Sensei just mushroom sighed " sorry kids but i ummm... have a umm.. an important meeting.. ya a very important meeting with someone i have to go to." she stated. she was obviously lieing to us but we were too outraged to notice, or even care.

she began to walk away and me being me i followed pestering about what i can do now."well why dont you go join your dad in training" she suggested

"i would but there also preparing for the exams it would be rude and put them to a disadvantage"

she seemed a bit annoyed at this but knowing i was right she just shrugged it off" "ok then i'll make it double tomorrow but i cant right now ok"

"but why cant y......" just then my unfinished question wass answered. it took everything i had not to grin sadistically, but a smirk made its way to my face.


Kurenai POV

"but why cant y...."

"oh there you are Kurenai you ready to go, i got the whole day planned out" i face-palmed 'great timing you have there Asuma' i thought sarcastic.

i look over at Ace and see a smirk that she was obviously trying to suppress. 'im never going to hear the end of this' "ya im all good Asuma just  having a friendly "chat" with one of my students."i responded looking back at him.

it was just then that he seemed to notice Ace and immediately went red and his sigar fell from his open mouth before mumbling "oh crud this is NOT good"

"hey um give us a moment would ya Asuma" i smiled sweetly at him before pulling Ace a few feet away and giving her a death glare. "don't you say a word, you are NOT, i repeat, are NOT in any way shape or form to notify you teammates, friends, animals, or your dad about any of this understand!"  i whisper yelled at her, sightly hissing at the last word. 

she nodded her head, smirk still firmly in place. i rolled my eyes. out of all of them it had to be her, why not Hinata or Shino, Kiba wouldn't be much better but at least my death glares have an affect on him.

she looked between me and Asuma before running off and after she figured she was a safe distance from harm " OK YOU TWO HAVE A YOUTHFUL DATE, DON'T GET TOO CRAZY WITH  HER NOW ASUMA... WE CANT RISK LOSING OUR SENSEI TO FRATERNITY LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!" announcing it too the whole of the leaf village.

im going to kill that girl, i dont care how Youthful she may be...


*la time skip* 10 minutes


as soon as that little encounter was over i rushed to my team who were doing some solo "no sensei" training. and you can probly guess what comes next.

"HEY PEOPLE HUDDLE UP I GOT SOMMTHIN' IMPORTANT TO INFORM ALL THE YOUTHFUL SOALS ABOUT AND I NEED HELP"  well it was a one sided agreement and we never shook on it so sorry sensei

i screamed as i sprinted full speed to them, affectivly running into a tree Hinata was practicing on just seconeds ago. i sat up and a dent now plasterd into the tree, or i think so i was way to dizzy for my own good. i saw 3 sets of my teamates, all looking slighly amused at my antics.

Ace in the hole. Guys adopted daughter (naruto fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now