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sorry for the long time no update situation... i got sick, still am actually, and had to stay in bed for the LONGEST time. .. and yes i know im procrastinating writing about the Chunin exams with all these fillers but you must remember i make it up as i go and sense this doesn't follow team 7 i have to keep things interesting.

p.s. i need ideas for the next chapter, and also how should i have her meet the sand siblings, its not going to be with team 7 if i can think of anything else. (sorry for any spelling mistakes for this chapter)


"what do you mean required a last name. ive spent my hole life without needing one, so why now?" i said with a bit of panic in my voice.

"yes im afraid you will be required a surname to officially enter the exams" hokage stated looking a bit ashamed of himself for not thinking of this situation sooner. "ill give you tell tomorrow to think about it, you may leave"


(later at the training grounds)

my knuckles bloody, my breathing labored as i hit the training post relentessly. simple enough i was under a bit of stress.

i had never had a last name before and i wasn't sure what to do. it may seem simple to you but its not something to be taken lightly... i thought about asking dad but i know him well enough that i figured  he would tell me i should take his. and in no way was i doing that, i mean i love my dad and am extremely proud to be his daughter but ... Might Ace, or Ace Guy... it just doesn't sound right.

i hit the post once more in frustration before collapsing on my back and letting out a scream of irritation.  i know im over reacting but what would you do if you either had to recall possibly painful memory's or make up a last name by the end of today.

i lay there for a good 10 minutes just allowing my lungs to replenish its oxygen supply when something green crashed into a tree not far to my right.

now who do i know that crashes into trees and dresses like my dad...

A)  a weirdo in spandex

B) a dad wannabee

C) Rock Lee

if your answer was D all of the above you and i have come to the same conclusion. (i dont even know who im talking to... dose anyone actuly read this?) 

i rolled over onto my side and brushed my bright green hair out of my face, "Hey Lee, you really need to work on your steering, your turning into George of the Jungle"

he swiftly recovered himself from the tree, looking slightly dazed .  "ughghghg...." then he looked at me "Ace my youthful angel is that you"

"yes, Lee before you ask your NOT dead you just hit your head running into that tree over there" i motioned to a large tree with him now imprinted in the trunk.

he turned around to see his siloet in the tree and laughed "i guess i should stop doing that"he scratched he head smiling at me before he saw my bloody knuckles. " MY YOUTHFUL LITTLE ANGEL YOUR HURT"   at this he ran up to me in a panic and grabbed my hands with so much force it knocked me over.

"calm down Lee," i said sitting up and rubbing my head  "i like your youthfulness but its not good to panic in situation, especially ones as small as this " i stated looking down at my hands and winced as i unclenched my fists.

at this the boy looked up at me from looking at my hands, eyes filled with worry. "though this is true it is also UNYOUTHFUL to not help a friend in need... and to be honest Guy sensei would never forgive me if i where to leave you injured and do nothing to help" 

Ace in the hole. Guys adopted daughter (naruto fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now