new team here i come. poor Akamaru

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Guys POV

i ran as fast as i could to my team and as soon as i got there to see them sitting in a circular square yes that is what im calling it on the floor i stopped put my hands on my knees and in-between panting managed to get out.

"I'm sorry *pant* I'm late i *pant* got caught in my *pant* YOUTHFUL *gasp* rivalry with Kakashi and lost track of time, i also didn't realize what day it was so when i found out i....." at this i looked up to see the group starring at me with wide eyes, well Tenten and Neji that is. Lee took this opportunity of Tentens distraction to glomp Ace and snuggle his face into her hair well muttering something like "so much youth".




"LEE GET LET GO OF MY DAUGHTER THIS INSTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" at the moment i was too fatherly and protective to say anything about youth, as i pulled him off MY little dragon fly.


no ones POV

everyone watched astonished as Guy pulled Ace out of Lees reach and kicked him full power (well half power but still making an impact) into a medium sized bolder about 200 yards away. leaving a cracked rock and a dizzy Lee.

no one believe it, did Guy just purposely injure he favorite student? he held his "YOUTHFUL golden dragonfly" close to him ignoring her struggles to squirm out of his grasp as Lee wobbled over. Lee, expecting there usual slow running at each-other into a hug with a Youthful sunset in the background (how do they do that? the world will never know) but was disappointed as Guy held his hand up in front of him in a motion of 'stop' well the other still holding Ace, who had given up her fight, in the other.

" sorry Lee but not this time. touching my daughter without my permission is very Unyouthful and can not be forgiven so easily" he said trying to keep himself from crying " not even 1 million push-ups will make up for it"

at this Lees shocked face seemed to become worse as he burst into tear and said " not even 1 million Youthful push-ups?" at this Guy shook his head " how about 2 thousand squats or 100 laps around the village? ILL EVEN DO THEM ON MY HANDS!!!!"

"sorry Lee but it just cannot be done... my Ace is far more important than such YOUTHFUL acts" he stated using all his will not to brake down into tears..

"wow not even that?... this must be serious." Tenten stated as Neji just leaned against a tree, his thumb and for-finger pinching the bridge of his nose.

suddenly a thought came to him and he turned to the green haired girl still attached to Guy blocking out the conversation between his sensei and his teammate (who was suggesting ways to make up for it as Guy shot them all down).



"hey Ace" i heard Neji say as i strain my neck to got a look at him through my fathers grip. "is this true?... are you really Guy senseis daughter?" at this i smiled.

"yep the hidden leafs blue beast, Might Guy, is my daddy.why do you ask?"

he looked dumbfounded. now it was Tentens turn "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US BEFORE"

" you never asked. and i guess it never came up... sorry"

before they could say another word there was a loud shout coming from who i assumed to be dad " I'm sorry Lee but at the moment there is nothing you can do to make it up to me and my YOUTHFUL dragonfly, you are hereby FORBIDDEN of ever touching her again. the only exception is if your or her life depended on it ... or i approve but that's never going to happen "

Ace in the hole. Guys adopted daughter (naruto fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now