interesting developments.

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sorry about any spelling, its late and im tired... for some strange reason i always get my ideas as i lay down and get comfortably wrapped in blankets then my mind goes into overdrive... ugh so ANYWAY enjoy please.

i will gladly except any ideas for later chapters.. like should she meet the sand siblings, how should she cheat on the first part of the exams.. and or any filers you would like, also what should happen in the forest of death? help is gladly expected

Hokage POV

sense the day of i recommended Ace for the chunin exams, i have had plenty of paporwork. once i decided to have her take the exam alone i have got word from other nations disaproving my desision. they seemed quite angry, one such letter said 'i would expect such cockyness from the Rikage and the hidden cloud, but i never expected you of all people to become so sure that you lett a little girl, a Rookie non the less from what rumors i have heard, to enter this alone. Lord Hokage i ask you to re-think your decision for the safety of one of your own'  i couldn't help but sigh whenever one of these letters came in.

though when i nominated her i swore to myself i wouldn't let the others dought become my own but, im afraid they have gotten to me. i figured now that shes in theres no point in taking her out... as if she would let me...

non the less i decided to call her in. i set another letter of protest aside and called in a ANBU. " i would like to speak with Ace, she should be at one of the training grounds by now if i know her." he nodded

"is that all sir"

"yes ... well actualy make sure to tell her sensei and that i hope she had fun on her date yesterday afternoon, I'm sure Ace will love that"

he stiffened at this but of course decided to deliver the message anyway. he poofed away and i took out Aces ninja profile and her slip for the chinin exam. " i figure it wont take her long, shes usually pretty fast at getting here, even if she torments the messenger well at it." i mumbled to myself.

i was right, not 10 minutes later she came into my office not even bothering to knock. making the ANBU i had sent to protest in between breaths.



i was training with my sensei, making sure she made good on her promise to train me double today's sense she had her little "date" last time.  whenever she would protest, we would get into an argument. she would say 'I'm the sensei I'm incharge here' (ok thats not word for word but you get it) and at this i would threaten her with my handy blackmail and we would continue training.

we had just found out that i have water based chakra, which deeply confused the both of us (the rest of the team wasn't there they went home already, but i YOUTHFULLY made sensei stay and help me train) .

"i don't understand, i've only ever been able to use earth style Ninjutsu so why do i have a water based chakra.?" i ask to no one in particular. and absentmindedly creating a rock wall to prove my point.

"im not sure, have you ever tryed any thing water style before. " i shook my head  at her answer. " well lets give it a shot"

*time skip*

i was working on a water style jutsu, i was actually pretty good at it, but its almost the complete opposite of how to work Earth style jutsu so it took me a wile to get the hang of.  i had already found my favorite water jutsu, the water whip (my fav earth is rock wall body armor... if you have ever seen avatar last airbender its like armor toph uses)  just then there was a poof of smoke. i look up to see  an ANBU standing there, 'oh what is it this time' i thought to myself. now either this man can read minds or my expression gave it away (im going with the first) because he answered.

"miss Ace the Hokage want to see you" he stated. then turned towards sensei, he seemed a bit nervous. "I'm sorry for pulling your student away from training" he said

"oh its fine, shes practically holding me hostage here anyway so i should be thanking you" and sweat drop

"you went supposed to tell him that" i mumbled

the ANBU spoke out again, "umm ... ya ok than... anyway the Hokage, umm how do i put this," he sighed, took a deep breath and " he says he hoped you had a good time on your date with Asuma last night" sensei bushed. but before she could respond


"why you little..."

" oh no SHES ANGRY, and not in a youthful way, QUICK MISTER ANBU RUN FOR IT" and with that i grabbed ahold of his sleeve and ran ran to the Hokage office dragging him behind me. i speed up every now and then but went slow enough that his feet touched the ground and gave him a false sense that he was being dragged, not being used as a flag in the wind.

 when i got there i just walked in , much to the dissliking of my "escort" and raised a hand in greeting.

"hello Ace we have a few things we need to discuss"he chuckled, as he looked at the worn out ANBU "you've managed to tier out another one of them i see"

the ANBU went buggeyed. "ANOTHER ONE"  then he  thought about it for a bit and "oh so shes must be the  girl we keep making fun of Garret for" he concluded.

at this i happy-jumped "YAY you mean i've already made a name for myself, daddy will be so proud."  i got all staryeyed and stared off into space. the ANBU took this as his cue to leave, darn my fun was over.

suddenly the hokage turned to me, almost sad look in his eyes. "now Ace i have a question or you, and depending on your answer, a more important question afterwords".  i snapped out of my daze of disappointment. i turned serious but in my head i was freaking out, 'what in the Name of YOUTHFULNESS and dads legwarmers is going on...'

"i have gotten quit a few letters from the other Kage and so i must ask... Ace are you sure you want to go through with this, the exam"  lets just say i was shocked

"ARE YOU SERIOUSELY ASKING THIS QUESTION, YOU KNOW DARN WELL MY ANSWER,  i know youthfull is my'n and dads thing... ok Lee too... but i could have sworn that you understood were all this youthfulness comes from" i took a deep breath calming myself as a bunch of ANBU rushed in at my yelling, the hokage shooed them away and i continued "yes sir i am absolutely sure as youthful can be i am going to the exam."

"very well... now then there is only one problem. there is abit of information missing from your papers required for the exam" i nodded understanding "i assumed you wanted leaf village as your affiliation correct?" at this i rolled my eyes but smiled nodding "well then there's only one problem left..."

"what is it"i said confused as to why he stopped his explanation.

he sighed "i cant believe i never bother with this before... but you are required a last name!"







Thank you thank you i love you all *bows*, sorry it took so long to update and that its not as long as normal but im slowly working through writers block.

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