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IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY ... I have had this chapter planned out in my mind for weeks, I've just been too lazy to do it. *begins crying dramatically* ITS ALL MY FAULT !!!! I MUST HAVE DISSAPOINTED ALL MY READERS. hopefully a new chappy will help make up for it.

im not sure how to describe this POV

time seemed to slow for Ace. as she watched her father, her only family, the one she loves the most. get attacked while his back was turned. in that moment she could do nothing but freeze, no matter how much she screamed at herself to move.

ace knew that her father would be alright, he was a jonin for crying out loud, the blue beast of the hidden leaf village. and she was right as in a matter of milliseconds said jonin defended himself. sending the projectile flying in many directions as it shattered.

Guy was ok, her father was fine, not even a scratch on him. and through the echoing voices she could vaguely hear her opponent yelling at those who thought he should be disqualified. but she didn't care she couldn't even make out the words, her vision went to a point were she only sees shadows around her.

Ace was experiencing something new and unfamiliar to her. a feeling that ruled over every other fiber of her body. her mind went blank (which was not unusual), her hands trembled as her fists clenched, turning a ghostly white. for the first time in her memory Ace, self proclaimed golden dragonfly of the hidden leaf village, Daughter of konoha's very own Might Guy, was experiencing a emotion that she did not like... no she did not like it one bit.

Ace was angry , no Ace was FURIOUS

too other it only seemed like seconds were only described to be years to our green haired ninja. and it wasn't long before the rest of Konoha's ninja were aware of the fact that something was wrong with there comrade.

3rd POV




the yelling continued. Miko seemed unaffected by this as he scoffed and began walking away. that was until the room became silent, too quiet for his liking.

he turned around and instantly recognized why. Ace was giving of an aura that was obviously non ace like. he may not know her but you can learn a lot from a battle with someone. Ace laughed at the world, smiling as she gets beaten up. sending a sarcastic comment or two. she LOVED to play.

but this, this was not her, not the happy fun loving little idiot that irritated him so much. this was like summoning a demon (HI SAM) .. her hair flew every witch way, a bright orange light seemed to surround her very being, her eyes shadowed by her bright hair.

suddenly what looked like golden mirror appeared to his left, than another on his right. front. behind. above. repeat. (imagine Haku's ice mirrors but instead of ice its an orange/gold light) before Miko could prosses it all... he was surrounded.

Ace never moved a muscle. arms at her side, fists clenched, head down so you couldn't see her eyes. but these golden panels (as I now call them) responded to her overwhelming anger, as they began to close in on Miko, slow enough he could see it, but too quick to stop it.

the light eventually encased him. he was quite literally 'stuck in a box'.


Ace in the hole. Guys adopted daughter (naruto fan fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant