Chapter 8 the unnamed chapter

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The pic has nothing to do with the story I just lived it so much...

*a few weeks later*


. i lay awake in bed thinking about the past week or so...its been about two or three weeks sense my first solo mission for the Hokage. sense then i've been on a few others, mostly B ranks and one or two A ranks but my team doesn't know about those. these solo missions are between me and the Hokage, dad doesn't even know about them, they haven't been all that special; mostly just delivering important documents to aliged lands. normally there worried that you will get put under ninja attack but i've avoided as much trouble as i could. i have only resorted to fighting about 3 times and one of those were because they didn't believe i was a ninja so the refused to allow me to enter there village to deliver the scroll. so i used there underestimation of me to an advantage and "forcibly" delivered the message. by the time i got home i was just about depleted of chakra but I'm all better now.

when I'm not acting as the Hokages personal delivery girl (which i don't really mind.. i LOVE running at high speed when i get the chance, you feel like your flying) i have been training with my team and doing boring D rank missions, we have only been allowed one C rank when we had to help rebuild a small town about a days journey outside the village. but that's not what I've been thinking about.. its not whats keeping me awake tonight. i feel like I'm in trouble because i haven't told Lord Hokage about it yet i haven't done anything i could get in trouble for but its not really good to keep secrets from the village leader now is it.

'ill talk to him about it tomorrow morning first thing' i decided. before drifting off to sleep

little did she know was that at this time her father Might Guy was sneaking out his bedroom window on his way to a secret meeting.

(i know its sad when a grown man has to sneak out of his own house.. hehehe)


No ones POV

as the sky in Kohona grew dark all the sensei 's were gathered in the Hokages office during a meeting regarding the chunin exams.

"now that last years graduates have been nominated lets move on to the rookies" the Hokage calmly stated well taking a puff of smoke from his pipe. at these words a the rookie sensei's stepped forward; Kurenai, Asuma, and Kakashi and were about to nominate there students when a new fact was brought into light "but there is something i must emphasize. this is actually only apply to you kurenai"

the Kunochi (spelling?) stepped forward looking confused " me sir? what do you mean?"

"im getting too that" he stated setting his pipe down before continuing. " you see only teams of three are allowed to participate, i would normally make an acceptation but seeing as other lands have say i can not."

" but that means..."

"yes you must chose three of your students leaving one out" the said with a nod " you may think about who as the others nominate announce weather there participants shall compete."

she stepped back looking deep in thought "Kakashi your up first"

" yes lord Hokage" he stated in his normal lazy tone "i would like to nominate all three of my students: Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha to participate"

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