spy mode

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"Still tourchering my forces with your stamina I see"

"Yes sir you can blame that on dad... pulse they just make it so easy its hard to resist" he just chuckled " so what is it you needed me for.. though I'm glade for the distraction I was in the middle of a punishment from dad for not coming home last night"

"Yes well ill ask about that later" his face suddenly serious " I have a special solo mission I need you to do."-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(in case your wondering later on. this is mainly to update you on how far along we are in the story sense it doesn't keep with the original story line like most fanfics)


"a solo mission as a Genin... isn't that agents the rules?" i thought out-loud still confused

"well normally yes, but you see your the only one with the speed to get there and get back before your noticed"

"what about dad hes defiantly faster than i am?" my confusion still there but i could feel the excitement

"well yes normally i would but he has his team and this is more of a one person thing... plus i dont believe your father would be able to hold back from interfering in another teams mission"

"another teams mission?"

"yes now let me explain what your going to do." he stated sitting forward with an air of seriousness about him. " i believe i may have sent a Genin team on a more difficult mission than they can handle in the land of waves"

i looked at him a Genin team, which one... as if reading my mind he answered "team 7 if you must know, Naruto, Sasuke,and Sakura"

"wait isnt that Kakashi's team" he nodded letting me process this new information. " its no wonder you wont send dad, he would most defiantly inter fear."

he nodded once again before continuing " yes that is why... you see there origanel mission was to simply escort a master bridge builder back to the land of waves and gaurd him well he finishes building a bridge to the mainland. but i have been thinking about it and i believe our client may have been lieing about how dangerous the mission was."

"how so?"

"the land of waves is a very poor country and doesn't like to spend much of its money so it makes sense they couldn't afford a high rank mission. I'm surprised that he even wanted ninja help, that alone sparked my interest and so i looked into it more." he said puling out a stack of files " it seems this past few years or so have been rough on the land. as well as it is currently being "helped" or "sponsored" buy a business man named Gato." he sighed " normally this wouldn't be cause for worry but there have been rumors floating around that Gato has been working with a mob of criminals making this a B or even A rank mission. not something Genin can handle"

" ok so you would like me to assist?"

"no" WHAT...? " I would like you to go to the land of waves and essentially gather information on if my suspicions are correct.. if so i would like you to run ahead of the group on there way back and report your findings to me directly.. you are not to assist or interfere in any way." he stated his voice becoming hard " in fact i do not want Kakashis team to even know you were there at all . the mission will take a few days, 2 weeks tops. i hope you finish earlier so my worry's can be put to rest."

"so that's why you want me on this mission! because I'm one of the few who can catch up to there week long journey in just a few days. for a speedy report and sense i won't interfere well at least as quickly as dad."

Ace in the hole. Guys adopted daughter (naruto fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now