meeting Tsume/ on the run from the law

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(i have come to the realization that i have been spelling Guy's name wrong seeing as its soposed to be Gai, i am here to tell you that at the moment i have no intention of correcting it)


it had been a few weeks of training with my new team. and though i hate to admit it but kiba was right... a little too right. his sister LOVES me, Hana insists on my constant visiting the clinic and the one time i didn't show up with kiba after training (that was yesterday)apparently she wouldn't shut up asking were i was and if he did something to run me off. she only stopped when they got home. now i was, as usually walking with kiba to the clinic. we were having a normal conversation, well actual we were debating who was stronger, but whatever.

next thing i know the flow of conversation stopped as we arrived at our destination, the Inuzuka clinic. you see we had devised a plan during luch with our team on what to say when we walked through the doors to see Hana. "I'M BAAAACKK!!!!!" yes that was the best we came up with i know we are idiots

"ACE!!" Hana shouted and before i saw it cumming i was tackled to the ground by an overexcited dog.. oh wait never mind its just Hana." I'm so happy your back. i almost killed kiba when i thought he ran you off"

"umm, ok ya so... that's not what happened I'm still here i just promised to spend yesterday with dad so sorry i didn't show." i stated rubbing the back of my head nervously as i sweat dropped. did she really like me that much? if so why?

as i said this i was thinking "please don't ask please don't ask" and guess what happened.

" oh well i guess its ok. i guess i almost forgot you had other family... you know about us so do you mind if i ask? WHO's your dad?" she asked .

at this kiba leaned into the conversation. "ya you never realy talked about your family. the rest of use stated what clan we were from during introductions but you only said your first name and that you prefer to be called Ace..."

i was contemplating on how to answer when i was saved by Hana " wait Ace isn't your real name?"

"umm no its just one of the nicknames dad gave me..." i decided not to go into detail on the multiple names my father calls me. " my real name is Aurora"

"that's such a cute name i love it.. but if you don't mind me saying i don't think it fits you very well."

" ya that's why i prefer to go by Ace"

she was about to respond when kiba got annoyed "STOP CHANGING THE SUBJECT! just answer the original question"

" oh umm.. well if i tell you you wont believe me" the just stared at me for like 5 minutes i finally broke "FINE YOU WIN.. my dad is..."

"yess, come on spill it"

i took a deep breath "Might Guy, the self proclaimed blue beast of the leaf village."

they stared at me completely lost " um can you stop lieing to us i mean we are your friends right"

" no shes my friend and team mate your just my annoying big sister she puts up with" ignoring his comment Hana continued to pester me not believing me at all.

some how we got so caught up in this 'discussion' that we failed to noticed how dark it was and the fact that a very confused Tsume (there mom) standing behind us. i hadn't met her yet so i didn't know who she was at the time.

"HEY PUPS WHO THE GOLDEN GIRL?" wow is the first thing anyone notices is my strange eyes

"oh um hey Ma what are you doing home so early?"

Ace in the hole. Guys adopted daughter (naruto fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now