Mother's day with Gai

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Sorry I didn't get it out sooner... I have been have a hard time in school and couldn't find the time to work on it.. and what time I did have I have been writing my other stories.

P.s. Ihave desided to try out spelling GUY correctly for this chapter as GAI but don't expect me to do this continuesly


I couldn't move. . Its hard to breath. .. .. stupid coma STOP BEING SOO UNYOUTHFUL.

Oh hey now that I'm thinking about it. .. OH NO DADDY BIRTHDAY IS COMMING UP.. I almost forgot. . I hope it doesn't turn out like mothers day .. that took some last minute planning. And daddy had some high standards.



I woke up this morning to the smell of bacon. Best way to wake up I thought before jumping out of bed and rushing down the stairs.

"BACON!!!!" I screamed as I jumped up on Daddy and glomped him (I love that word) " DADDY I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU."

He just laughed and pryed me off of him before spinning me around in circles. "ACE my YOUTHFUL daughter you're awake!!"

"How am I soposed to sleep through the smell of bacon"

wow I'm spending too much time around kiba

It was only once he put me down that I notaced what he was wearing. .. "umm.. daddy isn't that your 'special occasions only' apron?" It was his favorite, it was purple with pink frills and had "BEST MOTHER IN THE WORLD " printed in bright green on the front.

before you judge remember this IS my daddy .. Might Gai after all.. just because it says 'Mother' on it means nothing to him.

"YES IT IS!!! Tomarrow is a special day as you know and I can already tell it's going to be extra YOUTHFUL "

"???" Wait what's tomarrow? Oh well I will just figure it out on my way to have lunch with the team after training . "Umm.. well ok I'm sure everything will work out . But at the moment I need to go meet up with kiba, shino , and Hinata."

Before I could leave he put a LARGE roll of papor in my hand. " that everything you need to do tomarrow,now go have fun with your YOUTHFUL friends!"

And with that he pushed me out the door.


" HELLO MY YOUTHFUL COMPANION sorry I'm late" I said as I entered the BBQ place. "I got soo caught up in training I forgot the time"

"It's ok we were just talking about my amazing new moves!" Kiba stated punching the air. "So any way what's up with you?"

"Nothing much but dad's been acting weird lately" I said looking out the window..

"I wonder what's going in. You have any ideas what it could be "

"No not real...." that when I saw the sigh on the card shop next door ' LAST MINUTE MOTHERS DAY CARDS UP FOR SALES '

"oh no ... no no no no no .. this can't be happening " I panicked as I pulled out the paper dad gave me this morning.

A youthful bubble bath with flowers and sented candles.

Breakfast in bed (before the bath of course)

At least 2 YOUTHFUL presents

Ace in the hole. Guys adopted daughter (naruto fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now