What will you do now?

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there will be a A/N at the end of the chappy, please read it

3rd POV

As the unconscious green haired girl lays musing over her memory's and worried about her dad's upcoming birthday the world around did not slow.
It has been almost two weeks sense the preliminaries, and those competing now training Hard, Konohas golden dragonfly seemingly forgotten.

Well forgotten by all but three people and a small white dog.

Guy has only visited every now and then finding it hard to keep composure as he looked at his daughter, spending most his time taking his frustrations out in the training grounds. Blaming himself for his student and daughters conditions. If only he'd been faster he thought if I had stepped in earlier lee would still have a chance at achieving his dream . If I had noticed the poison that girl had, my Ace would be here training with me telling me everything would be alright.

The now wheelchair bound Lee would spend his mornings training, or at least attempting too, and his afternoons at his golden eyed friends bed side. He would tell her about his day and how the unyouthful nurses where forbidding him from training, but not to worry for that would not stop him. How he would never give up on his dream, and challenged her that if she could beat this poison he would find a way to be a splendid shinobi.

It was Not an unusual occurrence to find a sleeping Kiba laying across the foot of the same girls bed. His lower body hanging off the side of the bed and his head laying on top of said girls feet. His partner Akamaru asleep on the girls chest, nose snuggled into the crook of her neck. Both of them whining in their sleep hoping and begging there friend to wake up. The first few days his mother would wake up and go looking for him when she found he hadn't returned home the night before. The young Inuzuka would get scolded and dragged home, but eventually just kept coming back and soo his sister convinced Tsumi to allow the boy at least this much. The Nurses began to kick the poor boy and his dog out so they could preform there daily check up, once the morning came.

The Chunin exams where still to come, and the third Hokage was busy preparing the last part of the exams. Well that's what the rest of the village thought when told not to disturb the old man.

locked up in his office, security seals activated, the Hokage stared down at the file placed on his desk by his old student Jiriaya. He had known something in his memory had been triggered by Might Guy's young daughter, and the best time to get a hold of the needed information was when konoha's very own spy network came to town. Even if it did mean he would have to keep Anbu posted outside of all the bathhouses and surrounding hot springs. He had hoped that this information is worth it, now he seems to be hesitant to so much as open the file.

He had his suspicions from the start, however he feared that if he is indeed correct it would bring more trouble than its worth. however the events of the preliminary round has forced his hand, he is now given no choice.

Opening up the folder with ginger fingers he found an old missing person poster. its edges torn and tattered, paper with holes and yellowing with age. In the middle was a picture of what appeared to be a 3 year old girl, details in the report suggested there was a large reward for anyone who returned her. Originally from the hidden Cloud village, kidnapped by what was believed to be stone ninja for purpose of ransom, no one knows what happened to the young girl as search teams failed.

A little girl age 3, with happy features, golden gleaming joy filled eyes, and stunningly bright green hair...

Ace, the self proclaimed golden dragonfly of the leaf, up and coming taijutsu master, daughter of Might Guy. Ace who is currently fighting off a poison no one has a cure for, Ace who is suffering alone in a coma her body had activated to defend itself. Was never actually theirs to begin with, she did not come from the leaf..

she was, no is, apart of a slowly dieing clan who have been loyal to the Land of lightning for centuries. Holders of the most effective defense know to ninja, it seems his suspicions where right. there little Aurora had unlocked a powerful kekegenkai, a rare blood limit, during the chunin exams.

After this, word will be quick to spread to each country on what had happened, the cloud will surely send someone to come retrieve her. the question is what to do about it.

the Leaf could strengthen its defenses, fight off all attempts to take her. but was this little girl, green haired and full of energy, really worth starting a war over. would it be better to just let her go quietly, for sake of protecting his people, but risk the heart break of one or more of his jonin.

yet this wasn't his decision to make, this was for Ace to decide herself. oh did he have a lot of explaining to do when she awoke. However Ace was not his main concern.

No his main problem was who was going to explain this...

To her adopted father.

How was the Hokage supposed to explain these options to the man who raised her, who loves her more than anything. How was he going to explain to her team that she had to leave, to her friends, her loved ones, Iruka her old teacher, to kakashi who had grown strangely attached. how was he going to convince Himself, the Hokage, what the right decision was when he himself has no wish to let her go .

How was he going to explain to Might Guy that his daughter was a part of a small but powerful clan belonging to the cloud on her mothers side, and how technology they had stole her.

They had stole her from her father, her real father...

His jonin had been raising the daughter of the Raikage!!

"Oh Hiruzen," the old man sighed to himself, "what are you going to do now?"

OK people this was a bit plot twist. i have actually been planning this for ... well sense like the third chapter... but i wasn't sure how to introduce the idea so i figured, what the heck! NOW READERS I NEED IDEAS!!! because right now mine are limited, and i have nothing planned until they get tsunade back to the village so I'm going to need your help! pleas. comment ideas or PM me I'm thankful for it all.

Ace in the hole. Guys adopted daughter (naruto fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now