𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 3

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„SKY!" somebody screamed in my ear...Chuck. „Wakeee uppp Skyy" he said, I opened eyes and saw Chuck. „Klunk, I'm never ever going to wake you up again, I did this for 5 minutes" he said „Sorry Chucky." „Breakfast?" he asked me with the biggest smile on his face. „Of corse." I answered. I wanted to shower today so I went down with my pyjama shorts and a oversights shirt. As I went to the tables with Chuck I heard boys whistle, I rolled my eyes and walk to the table were Newt and the other boys already sat, I sat next to Clint and Jeff. Minho was too at the table and he sat across me. As we all eat I felt someone look at me the whole time and I knew it is Minho, I tried not to look at him, and suprised it worked. After he went in the Maze. I ask Newt „Is there a door looker in the showers?" „Oh..No but you can ask everytime someone to watch the doors so nobody get in. If you want to shower now I can watch." „Yeah ok, just let me get my clothes, meet at the badroom." he nodded. I went to my room and pic the same top from yesterday but jeans shorts not to short but either long, I think they are okay for the only girl here. I went outside to go to Newt and he was already there. „Nobody is in there I'm gonna wait here of you."
I smiled and get in the badroom. I took my clothes off and vent under the shower. It was a good feeling to be clean from all now, the while I was shower I was thinking about the people who but us here. Why do they do this? Or what are we for them? I stoped the water and put the new clothes on. I but my hair in a high ponytail. I just don't ask myself where I know this or how it works I just can do it, its like the creator how Alby called them let us the memories if the basic thinks of life but nothing other. I went outside and saw Newt talking to Winston the keeper of the slicers. „This is Winston you gonna work today with him." Newt says smiling. Winston and I walk to a hut with 3 goats.
„First you gonna feed them and then we gonna look where you can help." Winston said. He gave me the food. I started to feed the
Goats when I heard someone call my name, well not someone, it was Gally „Hey Skyler, I know I was a big shank I just wanna say sorry I overreacted yesterday" he said I take a few stabs forward and hugged him, he immediately hugged back. „Its okay" I smiled and he smiled back, then I turned around and started feeding the goats again. After 10 minutes Winston came to me and looked shocked at me „Did you hugged Gally and why are the goats so nice to you?" he asked, I laughed „Yeah I hugged Gally I think that's a brother sister thing and I think the goats just like me. Do they have names?" „I know that you are Gallys sister, I think all of us know but he never say sorry or hugged someone. Oh and the goats don't have names." Winston answered there where a male goats a female and a little so I asked Winson „Can we name the little one Sky?" „Yeah why not anyways do you ready with the food?" „Yeah" „Ok so then you have free till diner." I didn't say anything just go outside to search Newt. Some guys had they shirt of, Newt and Zart too. „He guys" I said while walking to them.
„Hey, how was it at Winston?" „I didn't do much, I just feed the goats and know one of them named Sky." I said while laughing.
„You named a goat after yourself?" I heard a laughing Minho behind me. I turned around and say „Did you miss me so much that you're
here so early?" „Yes" he said than he came a stepp closer to me and kiss my check before run to the deadheads like Newt called them. I turned back to Newt and looked shocked at him, but he just laughed. „That isn't funny you shank." I said and then I thought about that I said shank that was the first time I talked like the others. Then he even laughed more „You talk like us" then I just turn around and walked to the kitchen and Fry. „Hey Sky" „Hey, can I help you with the food?" „Yeah sure I'm cooking soup" „Not with me, sit down and I'm gonna cook something." I said determined. He sit down at a chair and watched me while I were going to the garden to ask Newt or Zart for tomatos for Spaghetti with tomato sauce, its the same thing with my hair I don't know were I learn it but I can cook it. While the sauce was boiling Fry and I talked or he tell me jokes, after all was ready Fry wanted to try it so I went out of the Kitchen and yell out „NEWT..ZART" after 10 seconds they can running and they looked a little panic „Want to try something new" they looked at each other and slowly nodded. I waved them to the kitchen and they came I gave Fry and them a little bit of the noodles and sauce. They looked at me with open eye „W..what is it good geez talk to me" „Its the best I've ever eat sorry Fry." Zart said. I was relieved then I went outside and yell „LUNCH IS READY" and suddenly all the boys came and Fry and I started gave the food. Minho game too and smiled and me I smiled back but it wasn't a normal smile it was a want to do it again-smile, then he walked away to the table where we always sit. After we gave all boys food he gave me and himself food and we went to the table with Minho and the others. Then in one moment Fry stand up and loudly said „Thanks for all the compliment for the food, but I didn't made it, that was the Greenie. Who is for that she should help to make dinner?" the most of the boys yell „YES" or „YEAH OF COURSE" then Fry sit down and ask Winston „Can she?" Winston nodded and Fry gave me a high-five.
After all have eaten we have to do the dishes. The time with Fry was funny and I could do it every day. For dinner we made bread for every one, and I did make more for tomorrow morning. At some point Minho came and wanted to talk to me „The..the lunch was very good."
„Thanks." „How was your day?" Minho asked me. „It was good I would say I just needed to feed the goats and then I cooked with Frypan, how was your day?" „We didn't found anything in the maze, so its a normal day." „Hey em can we talk later I really need to help Fry."
„Yeah see you Sky." „See you" I said while walking back to the kitchen, as I walked in and saw Frypan smiling at me „What do you two talked about?" „He just asked me how my day was." I said and rolled my eyes „Can you bring me something from the gardens?" I asked „Why don't you ask Minho I think he would do anything for you?" he said „Why not" I said as I walk out of the kitchen, I didn't went to Minho I just get to the gardens and asked Newt for the thinks. I get back to the kitchen, but Fry didn't say anything. We prepared a salad and the bread and gave it to everyone, after all had they meal Fry and I get our and sit down to the boys. We talked and after all finished Fry said „You can go now I do the dishes and thanks, I hope you can help me tomorrow too." „I will love to" I said. I went to search Newt and couldn't find him, so I walked to his room in the homestead. I knocked and from inside came a „Its open" I opened the door and saw Newt and Minho sit on his bed. „I just wanna know where I'm working tomorrow?" „You can choose between the track-hoe and cook again with Frypan" „I want to cook with Frypan tomorrow." „Okay I'm gonna tell Alby" „Thanks" I close the door and walked to my room.
I opened the door and because its getting dark I dress in shorts and again a oversized shirt. I wrote in my diary what I did yesterday no today because I forgot yesterday. After 30 minutes someone knocked at the door „Come in!" I said laudly. The door opened and there was
Gally . „Hey" I said „Hi, how your day?" he ask. „At the slicers I feed the coats and now the little one named Sky, and when I cooked with Fry I had fun, and tomorrow I'm gonna work with Fry again. How was your day?" I asked him smiling „It was a normal day some shanks I had to explain everything, and then I had to do all myself." he said, then we both laughed. We talked a little more but then he said he had to go and wished me a good night, I wished him a good night too and then he got out of my room.
After I were thinking about everything here again
I feel asleep quickly.

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