𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 21

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I dedicate this Chapter first to e_ll_h and second to Leni929
I hope you enjoy it

I woke up with Minho next to me. „Minho wake up." I whispered in his ear. He didn't moved, so I whispered again but a little louder this time „Wake up." Also this time he didn't move and because of this I started shaking hm awake. He slowly opened his eyes „Stop" was the first thing he said as he realist I was shaking him awake. I stopped as he flipped me over so that now I was under him. He looked me into my eyes. It was so dark in his room that his eyes were almost as dark as the night. I we're about to get lost in his eyes when he snapped me out of my thought „Do we need to stand up?" „Yeah. You.." I pointed at him „need to run in the maze and I..." I pointed at myself „need to show the new greenie his beautiful new home." he signed and said „This slinthead Jacob really came up a month ago? Minho questioned. I nodded and he started getting up from me and his bed. I stood up and walked over to my room to but on a shirt and a pair of my sweat pants. Then I walked out at the same time as Minho. He reached for my arm „My lady." he said as I leaned my arm into his. „My-ho" I said to him. We walked downstairs laughing.

We split up as he needed to get ready in the runner hut and I needed to go to the kitchen and make breakfast with Fry. As I walked in the kitchen I said „Good morning" to Fry, which replied with a „Morning."

As we made breakfast Fry asked me „What do thing the greenie looks like?" I looked at him „I hope its a girl, I thing not, but I hope. Anyways I thing he is gonna be blond, taller than me and is going to be a track-hoe or a slicer." I said confidence. Fry looked at me and burst out laughing and I did too. We finished cocking fast and gave the breakfast first to the boys and then we took us self a plate. Then we walked to the others who already sat on out table. I sat next to Minho and Fry.

We all finished breakfast fast and walked back to our jobs. I grabbed the lunch for Ben and Minho and walked out were Newt and the two stood, waiting for the gate to open. As I reached them I gave them they lunch and kissed Minho. „Love you." I said quickly as the gate started to open „Love you too." he said before jogging into the maze. Newt and I talked a little and then we both walked away and back to our jobs.

Fry and I finished the dishes very quick and started making lunch and some snacks for the bonfire tonight. We finished the dinner also quick. As the boys slowly started walking to us we gave them they lunch. I grabbed myself and Fry a plate and we walked over to our table. Now I sat next to Chuck and Fry.

After I finished eating I walked behind Fry to the kitchen, as we were starting the greenie alarm started. Fry and I walked outside and toward the box, like all of the other boys did too. I pushed myself forward to be one of the first to see him. The alarm stoped and Gally opened the box with Newt. This time Gally jumped in and pulled the greenie out of the box. He had dark brown hair and whiskey brown eyes. I could see the fear he had, but before anyone could say something he stood up and sprinted toward the gate. I heard Zart yelling „We got a runner!" and all of sudden he face planned. We all started laughing. Then he looked around and saw were he laughed that made me laughing a little more till Alby yelled „Bring him to the pit" Gally and on of the builders named Liam dragged the boy to the pit. Thomas, this is Thomas. The Thomas I saw in.. „Sky, give the Greenie the tour, you can handle it better and me." Alby said o me as he walked pass me and dragged me out of my thought. I painted him. I waked over to the homestead. I reached my room and waked in. I quickly grabbed my diary and note book. I opened the page where a painted Thomas ad it looked like him not exactly but familiar.

I didn't anted to thing about this right now so I walked back down and toward the pit to give Thomas the tour.

I crouched down in front of the pit „Hello there, names Skyler." I said opening the pit. „Do you can remember anything?" I asked him and saw the panic in his eyes „N-no I can't. Why can't I remember anything?" he asked quickly. „I'm gonna answer your shucking questions but now come out. But please don't run away. I'm gonna run after you like a lost puppy, cause this is your roll." I said as he was out of the pit. I told him everything he needed to know.

I looked down from the watch tower where I climbed up with him. „Sky?" Chucks voice rang to us. I climbed down and behind me Thomas. Chuck and I walked with the greenie to the maze talking about the job as Minho and Ben came jogging out of the maze. Minho jogged to us while Ben jogged after a comment away in the deadhead. Minho hugged me and kissed me forehead. „Happy that I didn't die?" he asked „Nah, I don't know." I said to him. He hold his chest dramatically and than jogged in the deadheads too. Chuck took the greenie to show him where he is going to sleep.

I walked back to the kitchen to cause I wanted to help Fry finishing the dinner. But as I walked in he was already ready with cooking. I saw though the window that Gally tackled the greenie to tho floor and that he was way to near the maze. Fry looked at me and I looked at him we both ran to the gate. „Calm, calm, calm, calm." Gally said „Why won't you tell me what's going on?!" the greenie asked „Just calm down alright!" Newt said from my left. Thomas was just about to say something as the gate started to close itself with a loud crack. Thomas looked terrified to me and back to the doors. „Next time I let you in!" Gally said as he walked pass Thomas and back to his work. We all walked back to what we had doing before, so Fry and I walked back to the kitchen.

At dinner I sat next to Chuck and Minho across from us sat Thomas and Newt. After we eat all the boys started preparing the bonfire. Chuck and me watched it from a distance and as they set the fire I sat between Minho's legs.

We sat by some of the runners. I watches as Newt and Thomas talked and I watched Newt closer, the way he looked at Thomas. „Is Newt gay?" I asked Minho, which chocked his drink a little. „What?" he asked me. „Is Newt gay?" I asked him again. I looked back to him and he looked at me. „N-No." he said. „Why would you asked that?" he asked me. I looked back at Newt and Thomas. Newt were pointing at us. „Just a question." I answered Minho's question.

I didn't payed much attention but all of sudden Gally started to fight against Thomas and he won. I was a little impressed of him. „You know I could beat him too." Minho whispered in my ear. „Of course you could." I said to him.

„THOMAS! My name. I'm Thomas!" He yelled from the circle. The boys around him raised they glasses and so did Minho and I.

After another while Minho excused us and we walked to the homestead. „You know that I know the rule a moth ago don't even exist." I said to Minho as he led us to his room with his arm around my waist and his head on my shoulder. He stoped walking. „W-What?" he asked me. „You know what I said, but it was cute so I don't mind." I said dragging him on to the room. He kissed me cheek and said „I love you" I smiled. As we walking in the room Minho let himself fall on the bed. „Can you undress me?" he begged me. I sighed and started taking of his shoes and then his shirt. After this I took my shoes and shirt of to but Minho's shirt on. I turned around and saw Minho covered in his blanked patting the space next to him. I walked toward the bed to lay next to Minho he pulled me on him, so that my head was on his chest and one of my legs between his.

I told him how Thomas came up in the box, how he ran toward the maze and how he face planned. Minho laughed but was a little sad he could see it. He told me about his day in the maze but I could listen very good cause I were about to fall asleep and before I did this I mumbled „I love you." he ran his fingers though my hair „I love you too." he whispered and the I felt asleep.

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