𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 12

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It's been 30 days since I arrived here. That means today a new greenie came. Jeff and I became closer friends, like Minho and me. Since the picnic we made it every week, just the two of us.

I walked out of the kitchen where I heard the greenie alarm-that's what Fry called it. We walked outside and saw a crown of boys standing around the box. I pushed myself forward. I really hoped it would be a girl. But why would the creators send girls from now on.

Suddenly the alarm stopped. I stand next to Gally. Newt and him opened the box and we looked down. It was a boy, he had blond-brown hair. They were short. He looked good actually. Newt jumped in the box tried not to land on a box which the creators send us. He talked with the greenie and I saw that he was getting panic, definitely because he couldn't remember anything. He looked up, at the boys and then his eyes locked with mine, he looked away and back to Newt. Gally jumped in the box too. He and Newt help the greenie up. We all stepped back. He quickly stood up and looked around. „Welcome to the glade, can you remember anything?" Alby asked the greenie, he turned around and said „N-No, why can't I remember anything?" „That's Skyler is going to explain you. And the others get back to work." Alby looked at me and I nodded. „Come on greenie." I said to him, he turned around to face me then I turned around and started walking. He started following me. „What is this place?" he asked me. „Your new home, we called it the glade. And we are the gladers. We have tree rules 1. Never go outside these walls 2. never hurt another glade. We need to trust each other 3. everyone does their part, means from tomorrow you gonna try different jobs." I looked back at him and he nodded „We have the builders, the cook, the slicer, the track-hoe, med-jacks and the slopper, bricknick, blood housers and bagger, but you are not really gonna try these. So first any questions?" I asked him „Are you the only girl?" he asked „Yeah and nobody knows why." I explain „Oh and Alby is our leader..." I said while pointing at Alby which was talking to Newt and Gally „Next to him is Newt he is second-in-command. The boy next to Newt is my brother Gally the keeper of the builder." „You could remember him?" he asked looking at me „No, not really he had a picture of us, he said it was in his pocket when he came up here." I looked to my left and saw Chuck walking to us „Hey Sky." „Hi Chucky, can you show the greenie where he's gonna sleep?" I asked him. „Yeah sure." he said.

then I walked over to Gally and Newt. Alby wasn't there anymore seams like he had gone somewhere „Hi guys" I said „Hey" Newt and Gally said. „What do you thing about the greenie?" Newt asked me. „I don't know, he seams nice." I said. „What do you guys thing about him?" I asked them „I don't like the way he looks at you." Gally said. I rolled my eyes, Alby made a rule no one is allowed to touch me if I don't want to.

„Do you come wait of Minho?" Newt asked me „Yes" I answered. We started walking and I looked back to Gally he smiled at me so I smiled back, then I turned back to Newt who was already on the gate. I walked to him and a couple of minutes later Minho and Ben came out of the maze. Ben jogged after a „Hi" to the map room while Minho was jogging to us. „Hey" he said me after we hugged. He stood to my left while Newt was across from us. „Did you find something?" Newt asked Minho. „No nothing like everyday. Everyday the same" he answered „Don't say that, someday you will find something." I said after I hit him lightly on the arm. He looked at me and asked „What is with the greenie, we came here before lunch, I want to get to know him." he said.

Newt and me walked over to the kitchen and Minho to the map room. Fry gave us our meal and we sat down at our table. A while after the greenie sat next to me left and Minho to my right. I turned to Minho and asked „Aren't we gonna make today a bornfire?" „Yeah, can you help me with the preparations?" he asked me, I nodded.

After we eat Newt and me were walking in the deadheads to collect wood. „What do you thing about the greenie?" Minho asked me. „I don't know. He seams nice."  he looked at me disappointed and sad. I raised an eyebrow, he just looked away. We collect enough wood so we went back to the others. We threw the wood into the prepared pile. Newt, Alby and some other boys lit the fire with torches. I walked to Gally and the other builders. I sat next to Gally and Jer. Gally gave me dome of him drink and as I dring it and didn't screwed my face, all the boys looked at me and Gally looked at me with opened eyes and I laughed. We talked some more and then Gally started to fight with some boys, so I made my way to Minho who sat alone. „Did all your friend leave you?" I asked laughing „Yeah, I thing they hate me." he said „Well good that I'm here now. Give me that." I said while I took his dring. I dring a sip, and passed it back to him, then he took a sip and then I. We did this till the was empty.

„How was your day?" he asked me. „It was good, I thing nothing special. How was yours?" I asked him. „Too, nothing special, just another greenie." he said „That hurts, am I just a greenie too for you?" I asked „No you are special." he said looking at me. „Aww thank you" I said laughing „Anyways I need to go now." I said while standing up. I was so drunk that I fell when I got my feet on the ground. „Somebody needs help?" Minho asked laughing while helping me up. He hold me tight around my waist so I didn't fall. „To the homestead please" I said while I tried walking. We walked over to the homestead and he hold me the whole time. As we reached my room I opened the door. „Ehm Alby said someone should take care of you this night." I turned around and asked „You?" „No I don't have to...Gally or-" I cut him of be dragging him in my room „Its okay" I started taking my shirt of with my back to him, then but another shirt on. I took my shoes off and turned around to see Minho still in his shoes „Are you gonna sleep with shoes?" I asked him „Oh..ehm no of course not." then he took his shoes of. I lay down in my bed. „I'm not gonna bite, come on Minho" I said as I saw Minho standing clueless in the middle of the room. I laid with my back to him and started falling asleep as I felt Minho's arm wrapping around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

I felt asleep smiling.

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