𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 18

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I woke up because I heard someone snoring. I opened my eyes and saw Minho.

He had a clock on his nightstand and it was pretty late for both of us. I decided to wake him up by kissing him, I put my hand on every side of his face, then I kissed him. He quickly woke up and kissed back. The kiss had very much passion, but we had to pull away for air. „Good morning." Minho said „Morning" I said. He pulled me to another kiss. „We have to stand up." I said to Minho. „No. Come on lay down." Minho begged. „No. I have work, and you too." I said while trying to standing up. „Noo." Minho said while pulling me back in bed. „Fry is going to kill me. And Alby is going to kill you." I said. He finally let go of my waist and I stood up. „Now come on." I said while grabbing his arm and pulling him out of his bed. I dragged him out of his room and then downstairs. Not bordering that I'm still wearing Minho's hoodie and it definitely not bordered Minho. I could see it the whole way cause every time I looked back I saw him smirking at me. As we walked outside I let go of his hand and walked to the kitchen. I looked back to see Minho standing there like some lost puppy winked at him then turned my head quickly away and continued walking.

„Good morning." I said as I walked in the kitchen. Fry turned around smiling and said „Morning. How do you sleep? Did you sleep?" he asked me „Fry. I sleep, we slept.." his eyes widened „In one bed and not with each other." I said. „And from who is this?" he asked me pointing at the hoodie. „From my boyfriend Minho." I said and his eyes widened even more „Omg noo." he said jumping up and then running to me and hugging me. „I c-can't breath." I said. He let go of me. „You grow up so fast." he said as if he would be my dad. „Stop it." I said while starting preparing things to cook. „Tell me everything that happened yesterday." Fry said to me. I told him everything while we prepared breakfast.

We finished and gave the boys they meal. I grabbed my meal ans walked to our table. I sat next to Newt and Minho. As the most of us were about to finished, Minho put his arm around me. In the corner of my eye I could see Jeff. He looked sad and disappointed, but I never liked him more then a friend.

Minho pulled me a little closer to him and tore me of my thoughts. I felt butterflies in my stomach at the touch of Minho. As Minho finished he had to walk to the map room. As I finished I walked back to the kitchen. After some minutes Fry came and he gave me the lunch for the runners. I walked out of the kitchen and to the gates. I saw that Newt, Minho and a boy named Liam he's trying to be a runner like Tyler yesterday. I walked toward them and gave them they lunch.

Minho and I hugged and as we were about to let go of each other Minho grabbed my face with one hand and pulled me into a kiss. Fist I was a little shocked but I quickly kissed back. We pulled away and it was awkward between us four. The silence break as the gate opened Minho looked at me and then Liam and him run into the maze. I looked as Minho run around the first corner „Ehm...Sky?!" Newt asked me. I looked around to him and raised an eyebrow. „What?" I asked as if I didn't knew what he was talking about. „Minho told me about you and him, but not about you and him." he said while letting his hand making figures that were kissing. „Stop." I said pulling his hand apart. „Anyways tell me." he said as we walked to the kitchen. I told him everything about yesterday. As we were at the kitchen Newt went to the gardens and Fry and me made the dishes. And then started making lunch.

As we finished most of the boys sat down on the tables waiting for us to finished. We gave the boys they lunch and walked over to the tables were I sat next to Jeff and Fry. I wanted to talk to Jeff but he blocked me up so I just left him and talked with Fry and Alby which sat across from me.

Then Fry and I started preparing something for the bonfire we all gonna make today because some of the boys are gonna be new runners. As we were about the start, I turned around and asked Fry „Can I get outside and wait for Minho?" he looked at me an smirked „Yeah, sure" I use shocked my head laughing and waked outside toward the gate where Newt was waiting of Minho and Liam. „Who do you thing is going to be a runner?" I asked Newt to break the silence. „I don't know, maybe Tyler. Minho said he can run good." I nodded and in the next moment two figures ran out of the maze. As they stoped at newt and me Minho hugged me. „Hello beautiful." he whispered in my ear. „Hello handsome." I said to him. We let go of each other. „We need to go to the gathering now." Newt said. Minho looked to me and I quickly nodded and Newt, Liam and Minho walked to the homestead. So I went back to the kitchen but Fry wasn't there, but then I remembered that he was a keeper. I started counting cooking what ever Fry started cooking.

As I finished Fry came back in the kitchen. „So, Tyler is going to be a runner." Fry said „Oh, okay." I said. We started giving the boys they jedinner. Then we walked toward out table and to Minho and Newt.

The boys started collecting wood for the bonfire and lighted it up. Newt, Chuck, Alby, Minho and me sat in a little circle near the fire. I sat next to Minho and Chuck. We talked about god and the word. At some point Minho put his arm around my waist and I put my head on his shoulder cause I started getting a little tired.

It was dark outside and then Gally yelled „Yeah Minho, the hands that you use to touch my sister can you fight with them?!"  My jaw dropped at what Gally said. I looked at Minho he was about to stand up. I tied to pull him back down, but he was stubborn and stood up. He walked toward Gally. And they started fighting. Gally punched Minho so hard in his face that his lip started to bleeding. I stood up and were about to go in the circle but Newt hold me on my wrist back. I looked at him and he shook his head. I looked back to the circle and Minho started to punch Gally. We all new that it started to be against the rules. And suddenly Alby yelled „Oh right. The fight is over! And the bonfire is over! Now"
The boys started walking away. I walked to Minho and grabbed him by his arm and dragging him to the med-jack hut to treat him or to wipe his blood away. I didn't looked back at Gally but I could feel his eyes on me. As we walked in the hut Minho started apologies „Sky, I hadn't fight with Gally." I looked in his eyes „Yeah, you shouldn't." I said. Then I walked to grab some towel to clean him up. „Are you gonna forgive me?" Minho asked me from behind. I turned around and said „Maybe." I said. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I turned around and started wiping his blood away. As I was ready he started kissing me on my nose and forehead. „Stop" I giggled. „Forgive meee. Please." he begged. „If you stop kissing me." I said. He stoped immediately but then pulled into a long kiss and I felt the butterflies in my stomach. I pulled away for air and Minho rested his forehead on mine. „Come on lets go to bed." I said. He sighed and nodded. I put the towel in the dash and then we walked to the homestead. We walked upstairs and in his room. I didn't dressed in anything differrent but took my pants of and Minho his shirt. He lay first down in bed and then I lay next to him.

He put and arm around my and I put my head in the cock of his neck and like this we both fall asleep.

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