𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 25

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I opened my eyes making me look directly into Minho's face who was already awake. „Good Morning." Minho whispered in his morning voice not to loud for Teresa to wake up. „Morning." I said tired. „Are you going into the maze today?"
He sighed probably not wanting to answer the question. „Yeah, but not alone Thomas is going with me." he finally said. „Thomas. Like the greenie Thomas?" „Yeah, yesterday at the gathering we decided that Thomas is from now on a runner. He saved me and Alby. But right now he is in the pit, so I'm gonna get him out now." he said standing up.

Before I could protest he kissed my head and walked out of my room. I stood up which was so loud to wake Teresa up.

„Morning." I said stepping next to her sleeping bed.
„Time to try one of the jobs, I hope Newt told you every thing." I continued. „He did." she said yawning. I helped her up and we walked downstairs together.

How often I imagined having a girl as a friend. Talking to her about stuff I wouldn't even think about talking with boys about.

We walked into the kitchen where Fry had prepared the breakfast already. I got myself a plate and walked to the table where I saw Newt, Zart and some other boys already eating. I sat down next to Newt still leaving space for Teresa to sit down.

„Where is Minho?" I asked Newt. „Him and Thomas are making themselves ready to go into the maze." he answered my question.

The whole time we all didn't talk. Deep in thoughts thinking about Alby and Ben.

After we ate Fry and me walked back to the kitchen trying to make all seem normal even though nothing was normal anymore.

I saw Newt walking to the med jack hut with Teresa.
Shes probably trying to be a medjack or they're checking on her.

As we made lunch Fry told me every little detail that happen yesterday at the gathering.
That Gally was against Thomas and everything he is doing.
That Minho found something in the griever.

Before we finished we heard loud noises from outside. 
I stepped outside seeing that they didn't came from inside the glade rather from the maze.

It sounded as if the maze is collapsing.
Is Minho alright? Yeah of course he is.
But what if he isn't?

The moment I thought about that Minho and Thomas stepped out of the maze.

All the other boys questioned them.
„What the bloody hell is going on out there?" newt asked walking next to Thomas. „What the hell have you done now Thomas?" Gally questioned reproachful.
„We found something, a new passage. We think it could be a way out." „What?" I asked not loud enough for everybody to hear but for Minho so he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

„We opened a door, something I'd never seen before. I think it must be where the griever go during the day." Minho continued.
„Wait you're saying you found the grievers home? And you want us to go in there?" Chuck asked worried.

„Their way in could be our way out, Chuck." Thomas said trying to calm down Chuck.
„Yeah, or there could be a dozen grievers on the other side. The truth is, Thomas doesn't know what he's done, as usual."

„Yeah, well, at least I did something Gally. I mean what have you done. Aside from hide behind these walls all the time." Thomas said turning around to face Gally. „Let me tell you something greenie. You've been here three days. I've been here three years-" „Yeah you've been here three years and you're still here, Gally. All right, so what does that tell you? Maybe you should start doing things a little different." Thomas cut Gally of.

„Guys" Teresa tried to get there attention but just got mine. „Guys!" she tried again. „It's Alby." she said getting more of my attention and all of the boys.
„He's awake." she said.

Some of us walked into the hut where a shirtless Alby sat on a bed. Newt sat next to Alby. „You alright, Alby?" Newt asked him worried but Alby didn't answered. Thomas stepped forward and kneeled before him. „Alby? We might have found a way out of the maze. You hear me?" „They wont leave us. We can't." Alby mumbled.

„I remember." he continued. „What do you remember?" Thomas asked him. „You-" „You were always their favourite, Thomas."

The next thing we heard was shouting from outside. „Why did you come here?" was the last thing I heard Alby saying before I stepped outside the hut with Minho and Gally.

„Hey Winston what is going on." Thomas asked the keeper of the slicers. „The doors, they aren't closing." he answered. He ran of with some of his friends trying to figured out what to do.

We ran to the door that was opened waiting of what is going to happen next. As another gate opened Minho quickly grabbed my hand.

As soon as the sound nearly fainted the gate behind us opened. Then the other one opened. „Guys, what are we going to do now?" I asked trying not to panic which Minho seemed to notice because he squeezed my hand lightly. „I don't know." Newt answered.

„Chuck I want you to go to the Council Hall, okay? Winston go with him." Thomas said. „Get the others. Tell them to hide. Now!" Gally yelled. „Minho, Sky I want you to grab every weapon you can find. I'll meet you at the Council Hall." „Lets go. Come on." Minho said pulling me way and in the direction of the dead heads.

„Where are we going?" I asked him as we stepped into the forest. „The map room." he said as we made our way to a wood hut, which looked as if it would fall ever second in it self.

Minho opened the door and walked in quickly and I walked in behind him. He handed me some weapons.

As we were about to walk out Minho turned me around. „If anything is going to happen out there. I want you to know that I love you." „Minho, nothing is going to happen there. I won't let it." I said.

He closed the gab between us and connected our lips. „I just want you to know." he whispered. „I love you too." I said.

„Sky get in the hall!" Thomas yelled over the sound of the grievers. I gave Thomas the weapons I was holding in my hands and than ran to the hall where Winston and Chuck were waiting.

„You Good Chuck?" I asked the little boy. „Yeah."
As he said that the other boys and Teresa ran into the hut. They quickly closed the door.

As we heard a griever walking toward and on the hut we all kept quickly. I put my hand over Chucks mouth trying to quieten his sound. Minho's hand on my lower back.

The other moment something crashed through the roof and the hole roof crashed. I fell on the ground like all of us.

Suddenly a boy got dragged away by the griever. Newt and Thomas tried to pull him back but these didn't made it. He probably got killed by it.

We tried to stay away from the walls. The next thing I know a griever grabbed Chuck and tried to pull him out of the hall. We all grabbed Chuck hand. „Chuck don't let go." I yelled. Alby grabbed something and hit it against the arm of the griever and it let go of Chuck no he felt onto the ground making me kneel over him. „Chuck are you okay?!" he just nodded

Then the griever grabbed Alby but Thomas couldn't hold him and the griever pulled him out. As he did so I screamed „NOO!" louder then ever.

Alby just finished the painful changing and now he's dead. He couldn't be dead.

I didn't feel Minho shaking me because I didn't answered. „Sky!?" as soon as I looked in his eyes he stopped. Then he wrapped his arms around me.

As we heard nothing more we walked outside. Minho's and mine hand invited again. Outside I could see burning grass and broken hut every thing was differing. Broken.
I saw Gally storming toward us.

The next second Gally slapped Thomas hard across his face making him fall and making me yelled „Gally, what are you doing!?"
The boys pulled Gally away but that didn't stoped him from yelling.

„Look around! He's one of then! This is your fault!"

The next thing I now is Chuck stutter that Thomas stung himself.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 05, 2021 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

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