𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 16

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Thanks for 500 reads here is a little special

I woke up and still felt an arm around my waist. I smiled as I remember it was Minho's arm. I slowly put his arm away and stood up, looking back down at Minho, who was still asleep. I took his hoodie off and but it in my closet. Then I pull a black shirt out and put it on. After that I walked outside to search a bucket to fill it with water and wake up Minho with empty it over him.

I found one near the blood house and walked with it to the bathroom. I was one of the first that are awake, so I jut walked in. I filled the bucket with water and walked back to my room.

I slowly opened the door and walked in to see Minho still asleep. I held the bucket over his head and then emptied it. He quickly opened the eyes to see me smirking. „What the shuck?" he asked, I quickly ran out of my room, downstairs. I sprinted to the kitchen and ran in. Fry turned around from cooking. I turned around to close the door and braced against it. Fry looked at me and asked „Why are you doing this?" „Ehm..I woke Minho up, with water." he started laughing „Sky come out." Minho said while knocking at the door from outside. „Skyler" he nearly yelled. „That will have consequence." he said while suddenly stop knocking. Fry and I started laughing. I opened the door and saw Minho waking up the new runners that have training today.

Fry and I made breakfast then we gave it to the boys and as Minho came I smirked at him, grabbed a plate and walked to the table where Newt, Clint and Jeff sat. I sat next to Newt. After a while Minho came to us and sat next to me. He sat so near that our legs were touching.
After I eat I didn't even looked at Minho to tease him, so I just walked to the kitchen.

Fry and I started making the dishes when he said „Can you bring the runners water?" I looked at him and nodded. Then I took the water bottles and walked outside to the boys who were trained by Minho to become a runner. „I have water for you guys." I said while butting the water on the gras. The boys looked at Minho whit pupp eyes. „Go get some water." Minho said while looking at me. The boys sprinted to the water and started drinking. I walked to Minho. „Okay, shanks come here." Minho yelled and all the 7 boys came back. „Sky tell me a number between 1 and 100." I looked at him „Uhm..56." I said „Oh right 56 sit-ups." Minho said the boys said things „Noo.." or „What?!" „Sorry.." I said trying not to laugh. The boys started making sit-ups. „That's what you show the only Girl here?!" Minho yelled at the boys. I looked at him and said „Don't use me for your training." I said, then I turned around. Some of the boys had they shirt of and had abs, like abs, its was hard not to look at them, so I walked back to the kitchen.

As I walked in the kitchen Fry cut some vegetables. „Ahh" he cried, like a girl. Shuck it was so high. „Shuck,Fry" I said he turned around with a bloody finger. I grabbed him by his arm and wanted to go out of the kitchen as Newt storm in „Sky are you okay?" he looked at me. „That was actually Fry." I said, then he looked at Fry and started laughing. I smiled at the memory how high he screamed. Then I walked past Newt with Fry behind me to the med-jacks.

As we walked in the hut Jeff looked at me worried. „Not me, he." I said smiling. He started bandaging Fry's hand, as he was ready he send Fry back to the kitchen. He looked at me and scratched his neck nervously. „Sky..I-I think I like you, like more then like you. You are nice and pretty. And I-" Jeff said. „Jeff. I'm sorry but you're one of my best friends, and I don't feel the same way." I said. He looked down on the floor „I'm sorry, c-can we forget this,.." he looked at my „Please?" „Yeah, sure. I-I think I should go now." I said while turning around and walked back to the kitchen. I sat down on the table and put my head in my hands. What did just happened. Jeff said he like me, but I didn't like him, I like Minho. Shuck. „What's wrong?" Fry asked me. I looked up and said „I don't know. Can I tell you something?" I asked him „Yeah sure." he said. „But you won't tell anyone?" I asked him „No, you can trust me." he said smiling. „Jeff just said he liked me." I said „Wait that's great, now we have a couple here." he said „No..no, I don't like him.." I said he looked at me. „...maybe I like Minho." the last part I whispered. He looked at him and his eyes opened. „No your not." he said laughing „Maybee." I said laughing. He teased me the whole time we made lunch and then sat down on our table. I sat next to Fry and Minho.

As I talked with Newt who sat across from me, Fry poked me with his elbow against my arm. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. He wiggled with his eyebrows to Minho and then to me. „Stop." I whispered.

After lunch we started making the dishes and Fry said „You can go now, have fun with you know who." „Oh shut up already." I said while walking out of the kitchen. Then I walked to the homestead, upstairs and in my room to grab my book and walking back outside.
I walked to the watch tower and climbed up, I sat down and started reading.

The sun started to set and I watched it. It started to getting dark I leaned against the tree and fall asleep.

It was dark. I couldn't recognise where was. I had been in the glade and saw the maze, which this didn't appear to be. It was almost as if it was a dark room getting smaller and smaller. I called to anyone who might be lurking here. „Minho..Fry..Newt?!" 
I felt my breathing get heavier and heavier until I felt like a weight had fallen on top of me. I tried to push it up, but nothing was there. I called out again"Minho...Newt?!" through staggered breaths, but all that answered was a lonely darkness.

I open my eyes my breath was heavy and I felt sweat on my forehead. I swiped it away „Just a nightmare" I whispered to myself. I slowly stood up and climbed the tower back down. I looked around and saw that all the boys were asleep. I didn't know why, but I walked in the deadheads. I walked to the lake and saw someone sitting there. It was Minho, „Minho?" I asked, he turned around. „Sky?.." he asked „What are you doing here?" he asked me „I had a nightmare. What are you doing here?" I asked him „I couldn't sleep" he said. I looked to the lake and started taking my shoes of. Minho looked at me and raised one eyebrow. I didn't bother tell him what I'm doing and started taking of my sweat pants. „What are you doing?" Minho asked me. „I'm going swimming." I said while walking to the lake and jumping in.

I swim behind a big stone that was in the water without coming up for air. I hid behind it „Sky?" I heard Minho asking with worried in his voice. „Okay, Sky, I know I did this to you, but this isn't funny." he said. It was hard to try not to laugh. „Sky please." he bagged. Then I heard Minho jumping in the water and I swim out of my hiding place. „Ohh..Sky." he said as he saw me. He pulled me to him and put his arms on my waist. „Did you worried about me?" I asked him just like he did two days ago. He didn't answered just looked me in my
eyes. And I looked at his eyes. Then he looked at my lips and back in my eyes.

In the next moment I felt his lips on mine. As I realised he kissed me I kissed back. We both pulled back to breath. „Sky?" he asked me I looked him in the eyes. „Yes." I said while looking him in the eyes „Do you want to go on a date with me?" he asked me and I kissed him again. „Yes." I said as I put my forehead on his. „Okay lets get out of here now." he suddenly said. We get out of the lake and walked to the homestead, he behind me. As I reached my door Minho wrapped his arm around my waist from behind and rested his head on my shoulder. „Do you want to sleep in my room?" he asked me. „Yeah, why not." I said while walking to the next room where Minho's room is. „Do you want a hoodie?" Minho asked me as he walked in the room. I looked at him. „You are completely wet." he said „I know slinthead and yes." I said. He gave me a hoodie and he took his shirt off it sleep shirtless. He got into the bed and I got after him. I put my head on his chest and he put an arm around me.

And again I felt asleep.

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