𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 19

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I woke up because the sun shined in Minho's room. I opened my but couldn't see or feel someone. Minho must have already left, so I stood up and walked to my room to get dressed. I took on a black shirt and some sweat pants. Then I walked downstairs, I heard from afar I heard Gallys voice. I need to talk to him about yesterday. As I came downstairs and saw him with some of his friends. „Gally?! We need to talk now!" he turned around and as he saw my mad look and his expression turned serious. I crabbed him by his arm and bragged him away. „What was that yesterday?!" I asked him. „I-. He and you, really Sky?" he said „Yes. But that's not the point. Why did you did this?" I asked him again „I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this. I was a bid drunk. And I didn't that a boy came you so near." he explain him self. „Can you forgive me?" he asked me. „Yeah, but not now." I sad he looked at my sad but I walked away to the kitchen.

I sighted as I walked in the kitchen. What a good morning. I thought to myself. „Good morning to you too." Fry said.  Smiled at him and said „Morning."

Then we started to preparing breakfast. We made some eggs and bacon. After we finished we gave them to the boys who came. I walked first to out table and some minutes after me Fry came. I sat next to Minho. It was the first time I saw him today, as I sat down he kissed my cheek. „Morning." he said to me. „Good morning." I said back and smiled. He smiled back and continued eating.

As he finished he put his arm my waist and took some of my food. I looked at him and he started laughing, just like Newt, Fry and Alby did across from us. I looked at them all mad and they all immediately stoped. I stood up trying to still be mad at them, but as I walked in the kitchen I busted out laughing at the faces they made. „Sky don't be m-Are you laughing?" Minho's voice came from behind me. I turned around still laughing and walked to him and put my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me „You should have seen your face." I said „And you should have seen your face." he said also laughing. We stood there for a while till Fry came in. „Okay I don't wanna interrupt you guys, but we need to work now." he said laughing. I let go of Minho and turned around to Fry. Minho walked out to but his runner equipment on.

Fry and I started making the dishes when he asked me „Can you bring the runners they lunch?" „Sure." I answered. I grabbed the lunch and walked to the gate. I saw that there stood Newt, Ben and Minho. I gave both of them they lunch and Minho kissed me on the cheek as the gate opened. Then the both ran in and I looked after them till they ran around the first corner.

I talked a little bid with Newt but he had to go back to the garden, so I walked to the kitchen. „So, Sky or princess, what are we gonna do for lunch today?" Fry asked me as he saw that I was in the kitchen. I made a suggestion and he agreed so we started cooking.

After we finished we gave the boys they meal and I walked over to out table to sat next to Chuck and Alby. We talked the whole time we all eat and a while after. Then everybody went back to they job. So me and Fry walked back to our job too.

As we were making the dishes I looked over to the gate and saw that Ben and Minho jogging out of the gate. He started running toward the kitchen so I walked out and started jogging to him so we could meet halfway.

As we reached each other, he lifted me from the ground and kissed me. „Hello to you too." I said laughing. Minho let me back down on the floor. „Hello." he said also laughing. „I need to go to the map room, see you later." he said „Yeah see you later." I said to him as he jogged away and to the map room. So I walked back to the kitchen not bothering to look at the looks the boys gave me.

Fry and me finished preparing the dinner and gave it to the boys. At dinner I sat next to Newt and Minho. We finished eating and I walked with Fry back to the kitchen, but as I wanted to start making the dishes Fry said „You can go now, have fun with your boyfriend." I laughed and rolled my eyes and then walked outside to search Minho. I couldn't find him so I walked over and asked Newt „Do you know where Minho is?" „No, sorry Sky. But maybe he is in the homestead." he said. So I walked to the homestead.

I walked upstairs and into Minho's room, where he sat on his bed. „Oh, hey." he said. I walked to him and sat between his legs. He put his arms around me. „Fry cave me the rest of the day off, so I spend it with you. Because my boyfriend is all the day in the maze."
He kissed the top of my head and laid back. We talked a little more and I stared getting tired so I yawned. „Someone tired?" he asked jokingly.

I lightly hit him on the arm and I snuggled closer to his chest and slowly drifted to sleep...

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