Chapter 8: Visiting Hours

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Stampy's POV

"We're going to see your mother today." I tell the children, even though Blaire and Penny probably can't understand me. Charlie can understand me, but it's hardly any use because he can hardly talk.

The girls just stare at me like I'm crazy, but Charlie smiles. It's actually really cute.

Charlie could get away with being 'my son' in public. He had brown curly hair, like me. He also had fair skin, like me. The only thing that is really different about him and I is his eyes. They were a deep crystal blue.

I had to get up several times during the night; even though Blaire and Penelope were very quiet babies, they did cry when they needed food.

I obviously couldn't breastfeed and Sqaishey wasn't around, so I had brought some full cream milk from the supermarket, and put it in bottles.

The next morning I was pretty tired, but I dressed the kids, put them into the car, and drove to the hospital.

But when I got there I was told that it wasn't visiting hours.

I wasn't sure whether they were telling the truth, because I saw many other non-patients going into the wards.

"Then why are they going in?" I said pointing to the people who were going into the wards.

The doctor sighs. "Well... I don't know how I'm going to tell you this..."

My eyes widened. She's not...

"Beth is..."

I couldn't bare to listen.

"...very sick. And we can't afford anyone to get sick as well."

I almost faint of relief.

"She's not dead." I reassure myself.

"No." The doctor says.

I must have said that out loud.

"So I can't see her..." I start.

"Till her heart starts to slow. We aren't so mean that we will not let you say goodbye in her final moments." He interrupts.

I look at the children. They are oblivious to the fact that we are talking about the death of their mother.

"Can we just say hi?" I plead.

The doctor looks guilty, and rushes off somewhere in the hospital.

I wait patiently, looking at the bland hallways branching out in front of me.

I wondered how many times I'd been there before. And how many times I'd be back here.

The doctor comes rushing back.

"You may see your wife just today, Me Garrett."

"Um.... She's not my wife." I say awkwardly.

"Oh. Ok." The doctor says.

I enter Sqaishey's ward.

"Hi." I say.

She smiles back. "Hi."

"Can I see them?" Sqaishey asks, gesturing to the stroller.

"Of course." I say, handing her the girls.

"You two have grown!" She says, holding them in her arms.

"Soon you'll be taller than me!" She says.

The girls giggle, and so does Sqaishey.

I hold back tears.

Sqaishey and I chat happily for half an hour, before the doctor comes in and tells us we have to leave.

I squeeze Sqaishey's hand and try not to cry.

The next time I see her she'll be half dead.


Ok. Sorry. I'm being so mean to you. The next chapter is no better.

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