Chapter 10: Resorting to Pain

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Stampy's POV

Those moments when I thought I was seeing Sqaishey for the last time were horrible. I struggled a bit with the nurse, but soon put the girls in the stroller, took Charlie in my arms, and walked off.

When I got home, no one seemed to be in a good mood.

The girls were crying, Charlie was in a stroppy mood, and it didn't help that I was depressed.

I gave the girls a bottle each, I gave Charlie some of his favourite snacks and let him play on my old phone.

Soon the girls were asleep, Charlie was sitting quietly playing on my phone and I was lying on top of the quilt on my bed.

I couldn't take this anymore. It's hard enough raising 3 kids with a mother. It makes it harder when the mother is in hospital and even worse when her boyfriend isn't allowed to see her.

I take a small pocketknife out of the bottom drawer of my bedside table.

I hadn't for a long time...

But it would make me feel better.

I take the pocket knife into the bathroom and sit on the floor, leaning up against the shower.

Then I raise the blade to my forearm.

Sqaishey's going to die.


There's nothing I can do.

More pain.

I have to raise a family without her.

Excruciating pain.

Sqaishey is going to die.

I look down to see my blood stained arm, the red liquid still trickling down.

But it felt good.

I decide that's enough for today.

I wash up my arm, look at the four deep cuts in my arm, and bandage my arm.

I then put on a longer shirt to cover it and flop into my bed again.

Now I feel better, I start to think about my final moments with Sqaishey.

And an idea strikes me. It's not too late.


Too late for what???

Hope you enjoyed, and since some of you were confused:

John and David are twin brothers, (John changed his name to David for his crime, so there was two David's)

David - the real Squid. Has committed no crimes

John - murderer. Changed his name to David to get Sqaishey/Beth back, but when he went to jail, they changed his name back to John.

BTW. I have never self harmed myself, and never will. It's stupid to me. I know maybe some of you do it, but to you guys, you should quit now.

Someone will find out.

I don't like even writing about it, but I needed to express that he was really depressed without just saying he was sulking in his bed. Boring!

Ok it's short but it's late and I don't want to stay up too late writing this.

And next chapter updated tomorrow :)

As always, hope you enjoyed!

MissPolarGirl 😋

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