Chapter 4: New Home and Flashbacks

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Sqaishey's POV

A teenage girl sits on her bed, silent tears falling down her face. She holds the paper and pen, and starts to write.

She starts to grow more scared as she writes; faster and faster.

Just downstairs, a teenage boy, much older than the girl, takes a knife out of his pocket.

He doesn't even think that this girl has a life, just because he got her pregnant he thinks that he should take her life.

He didn't want to be a father.

But upstairs the girl was thinking differently. She was a kind-hearted girl, and didn't want to let her small child be murdered with her.... One life taken was enough.

So as soon as she knew what David planned to do, she booked an appointment for the doctors and sat down. It probably would be painful, but maybe her baby would live....

The same young woman now stood on a cloud, robes of gold and white draping at her sides.

"Everything will change, sweet Bethy...."

"Everything will change."

(Oooooo! XD)

I wake to the melodic music of a TV jingle; Stampy must be watching TV.

I drowsily glance over to the visitor's chair, Stampy not there.

I sigh. He left the TV on. I grab the remote on the side bench and switch the TV off.

Now I have nothing to do, I realise I'm sweating. The stupid night sweats are getting to me. I walk to the bathroom just outside my ward and grab some paper towel; the one you usually use to dry your hands with.

As I stumble past, pulling aside the curtains, a nurse rushes by.

"Miss Bates! What are you doing out of bed?!" cries the nurse.

"I- I was just getting some paper towel... Night sweats are a symptom of tuberculosis, you know." I say, rather nervously.

She stares at me for a few seconds, but then helps me back into my bed.

I sigh, which I seem to be doing a lot lately, and probably will be doing a lot more.

This is only my first day in the hospital, and I already hate it.

I turn the TV back on, and change the channel to Doctor Who; reminding me of my first night at Stampy's apartment...

It's weird; I keep having flashbacks, and dreams.

Maybe that's another symptom. Having dreams and flashbacks, leading you to become crazy.

But anyone would be driven crazy if they had to live in the hospital for a month and a half.

I hear footsteps. Is it the nurse coming back to check I'm in bed?

No, it's Stampy.

"How are you?" He says, rather solemnly.

"I'm ok. Sick of this hospital already, but alive." I joke. Though Stampy frowns, not enjoying the joke.

Another sigh escapes my mouth. The emotions in this room felt very down and sad... I could feel the tension.

Stampy looks like he wants to say something, but he says nothing.

He lays down in the bed next to me and we watch Doctor Who... Just like the first night we met.

"Sqaishey?" Stampy says finally, me already snuggled into his chest.

"Yeah?" I answer; there's silence for a few seconds. "It's nothing to do with the girls is it?"

"No. Um, well, I got a phone call, well I got two, one from Netty to say the girls are being very well behaved, and one....


"From the orphanage in Walter St."



I had no plans for this... Until I was writing this chapter.

Hope you enjoyed!

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