Chapter 1: Coming Home

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Little Ducky. That's what Stampy calls me. He wants to name one of our children after my nickname.

"It's not the best name... But it's symbolic." He says, seeing my surprised expression.

"No, I love it. We can call her Penny for short!" I say, trying to make him feel better."

I hold the girls in my arms and smile. They're so cute. I realise I'm crying so I hand the babies back over to Stampy.

"We need to give them a bath and make sure they're healthy." A doctor says.

Stampy hands the little girls over to the doctor.

"You can come and bathe them if you want." The doctor says. "That's usually what the fathers do."

He looks over at me.

"Go." I say, smiling. "Just make sure they get back to me.

Stampy rushes off with the doctor and I'm left alone. For a few minutes anyway.

A nurse comes in to check on me. "Your little girls are beautiful. Have you decided on names for them yet?"

"One's Penelope." I say.

"That's a beautiful name." She says, and starts to clean up.

Later, Stampy, Penelope and my other unnamed child come back, and now the girls are clean.

Stampy hands them back to me.

"So how long till we can go home?" I ask the doctor.

"Three days."

Stampy lies down on the bed next to me, taking Penelope out of my arms.

I'm left with my unnamed child. "What shall we call this little one?" I say smiling.

"She doesn't look like an Amy or a Kelsey." Stampy says looking at the little girl in my arms.

"Well, I think she looks like a Blaire..."

"Yeah. It suits her." Stampy says, smiling down at the girls on my arms.

I look at Blaire in my arms. She has a little bit of brown hair on her head, and her eyes are hazel brown like Stampy's.

Penelope on the other hand, has a few auburn curls on her head, which may have come from somewhere in my family. And she has my sparking blue eyes, like sapphires.

My two little girls are beautiful.

Three days seemed like a long time, but it flies by and soon, Stampy, Penny, Blaire and I are heading home.

Stampy sits in the drivers seat and Penelope, Blaire and I sit in the front passenger seat.

I'm glad that Penelope and Blaire aren't children that cry an awful lot. They lay in my arms, sometimes gurgling, but mostly quiet.

When we arrive at our apartment, I realise that the two girls are asleep.

Stampy opens the car door for me and I try not to bounce too much as we walk to the door.

We walk straight to Penelope and Blaire's room, and I get a big surprise.

Instead of it being a half finished beige room, there is now light pink walls, and everything we need to look after Penelope AND Blaire. Stampy smiles proudly.

"You did this while I was in hospital?!" I say happily.

Stampy nods and I smile.

I sit down on a chair that is in a corner of the room and look at my little girls, asleep in my arms.

Later, when Stampy is looking after Penny and Blaire, I search up the meaning of Penelope.

It does indeed mean little ducky. I smile. Stampy's done his research.

I also find out that there are many nicknames for the name Penelope. The one I liked best was Poppy, as it complimented her rosy red cheeks,

I go back to Penelope and Blaire's bedroom and smile at their two small round faces, glowing like the sun.

And I feel good.


First chapter of Little Ducky!

If you wanted to know (cause I give sneaky peaks😋) these are the full names of the two girls:

Penelope Rose Garrett/Bates
Blaire Zoe Garrett/Bates

I know some of you wanted Charlie.... And Zoe... But majority rules!

No hate! 😁


I hope to add both the other names into the book later on!

If you have any ideas, list them below!

So hope you enjoyed!

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