Chapter 2: Telling Parents

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Sqaishey's POV

I look at the little girls.

They are lying on the floor, Stampy playing with them.

I smile. He's so good with them. Which is good because in two months he'll be a single father.

I sigh. I won't be able to be there physically to watch them grow up.

I don't even show sadness about the situation. I just want to spend those last two months with my family.

"Stampy? I just thought of something. How am I meant to tell my parents?"

Stampy stops playing with the girls and looks at me.

"I don't know how I'm going to tell my own parents..." He says.

"Should we ring them?"

"I guess."

We both dial our parents number on our mobile phones.

"Good luck." We mouth to each other.

My mother picks up.


"Beth! How are you doing?"

"Really good, thanks Mum."

"To tell you..." I start nervously.

"What?" My mother says.

"Can you put it on speaker?" I say. "I want Dad to hear as well.

There is a slight pause before my mother says;

"Yes, Beth?"

I take a deep breath. Just do it, Sqaishey.

"Well, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I have... tuberculosis. And in a few months... I'll..." I say, not sure how I was meant to say it.

There was a long pause before I heard my mother say; "The good news?"

"My boyfriend and I decided since... I haven't got long left..."

I pause.

"I've had children. Twin girls."

This time there was a very long pause. Then I heard a beeping sound.

They had hung up on me.

I look over at Stampy.

"How did yours go?" I say.

"They think it's a bit soon, but they're happy for us. How about yours?"

"I told them... And they hung up."

"Oh." He says simply.

I pick up Blaire and Penelope and hold them tight. These girls are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't care what my parents think.

Now confident, I go and ring back my parents.

And they don't pick up, so I leave a message.

"Listen. I know it may seem very rushed and I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. But if you wanted to meet the girls, just come to our apartment. And... Their names are Penny and Blaire. See you soon."

I take Blaire and Penny into their bedroom to get them ready for their first night in their home.

Stampy and I have set out a bed next to them.

I kiss their foreheads before putting them into bed, then Stampy comes in.

We slide into bed, thinking what an eventful day it has been.

I then remember the phone call with my parents. I hope that they are going to be happy for me...


Bit short, sorry :)

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