Chapter 15: I Can Help You

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Stampy's POV

I arrive home from the hospital, bleary-eyed and worn out.

I close the curtains and turn off all the lights in the apartment.

Everything was quiet.

I know Sqaishey will wake up. That's why I didn't exactly cry... I sort of was more exclaiming in anger at whoever did this.

Who ruined our family? Who thought; "Oh, their family doesn't have enough stress and sadness from the mother dying. So why don't we just take their children away from them?"

The only person who I can think would do such a thing is Squid's evil twin brother John. But he's in jail.

Isn't he?

As if to answer my own question, I look down at a newspaper; John's face accompanying a bold title: Jail Breakout.

It was John. It had to be. But where was he keeping them?

"Calm down, Stampy." I tell myself. I decide to record a video... Maybe it would help me calm down. I load up my Xbox; my mind swimming in all the confused thoughts. Sqaishey, the kids...

A knock at the door interrupts my thoughts. Who would be coming to our door at this time of night?

Opening the door glumly, a man dressed in a ridiculous Wizard costume stands there, rather guiltily.

"Hi. I'm... Charles... Or The Wizard." He says awkwardly.

"It's 9:00pm." I say to him. Maybe he's a drunk... But he seems more awkward and nervous, not drunk and threatening. Still, I don't answer my door and let just anyone come in.

"Listen, it's late, maybe come back tomorrow morn-

"This is important." He interrupts with a sign of urgency as I reach for the door handle. "It's about your kids."

I freeze with my hand on the door handle. "My kids?" I say, a voice that comes out more as air then sound.

"Uh-huh." He says. "You'd better sit down."

I didn't get why some random psycho in a wizard costume is inviting me to sit down in my own house, but if it involves my children, I want to know about it.

"First things first... I was the one who physically took them." He says when we are both seated at my dining table.

My confused feelings were taken over by anger.

"Where are they?" I burst out.

"I-I don't know." he stammers.

And for some reason I believe him.

"Well, then why the hell are you coming to my house at 9 o'clock at night?!" I exclaim.

"I think I can help find them." He says.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, the clock's ticking is all that can be heard.

"First of all, tell me what happened. Then tell me what you plan to do." I tell him.

He explains the story of how John said he would pay Charles to steal my kids and take our money (which at first I didn't believe, but sure enough, every last cent was gone from our bank account), but John had tricked him.

"Never trust John with anything." I say when he finishes talking.

"How was I supposed to know?" Charles says. "All I could think about is my daughter. Anyway, this is my plan."

I devote all my attention to him, and listen intently as he starts to speak.

"I can look at the Internet history on this laptop I have here, and get into John's bank account, meaning I can transfer it all back."

"Ok. But what about-"

"Your kids? The first part's easy. I can use an app on my phone to track John's phone, so I can find out where he's hiding."

"How can you track John's phone?"

"His phone number." Charles says simply.

"What do we plan to do once we get to where he is? We aren't the... greatest men to do this..." I say.

"We'll call the police once we get there and make sure he definitely has the kids. Then, we'll distract him while the police come."

"Well, then." I say with a smile, something I hadn't used for a long time. "Let's get our families back."


It's shorter than usual, but I think it's an alright length :D

I haven't been updating a lot lately because I have become obsessed with Dan and Phil!!!

I have a llama hat and everything :D

And I also have started watching Tyler Oakley, and may be going to his tour with some friends @tyleroakleyisdabest @DragonGir @EllaWalk5

So excited if I do go!

Also, quick update on the 300 followers video: I have filmed and almost fully edited the video, and just need to tweak some things and upload it!

Can't wait

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