Chapter 19: Ducky Raft

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Sqaishey's POV

*If you want to, play 'Don't Wait' now*

I fade off into the bright light, like a feather does in the wind.

I'm nothing. Just a soul floating around. And I am there for about an hour. I have no concept of time or space.

I remember my family. Stampy, Penny, Blaire and Charlie.

I feel myself fade away yet again, and find myself standing in front of Stampy, Penelope, Blaire and Charlie.

Maybe I'm still alive.

Third Person POV

Sqaishey walks towards Stampy and touches his arm. It goes right through, so she mustn't be alive.

She climbs onto the bed next to Stampy's and lays gently on him.

Even though she is dead, Sqaishey can still feel his warmth. She remembers every moment with her family, from her 'Game for Stampy' video, to the moment she saw him scream.

She tears up- is that even possible when you're dead?- and hugs Stampy and the rest of her family.

Even though she might not be with them in spirit, their souls were together.

Their ducky raft was still afloat.

Stampy's POV (did you see that coming???.... Probably.)

I hug my kids harder. They're still here though.

I lost Sqaishey, the love of my life.

But I still have my kids. I still have my job. My house. And I've made so many friends and maintained my family.

Maybe this is for the best. Maybe we all are meant to lose something we love so we can love everything else even more.

My ducky raft is still afloat. I can feel it. All of our souls are one, we still are together.

I hear a buzzing next to me. It's my phone.

Netty is calling.

"I'm ok, Annette." I say into the phone.

"No, Joe-"

"I assure you, I am fine! I just needed to realise-"

"Joe, shut-"

"Annette, I'm fine!" I say.

"Joseph Garrett!" She yells into the phone.

I realise Netty's not trying to sympathise over me.

"Sorry. Carry on." I say, apologetically.

"Joe, it's a miracle... Minutes after you left..."

"Left where?" I ask, confused.

"The hospital." She says, and continues.

"They-They managed to... to do something!!" She says in disbelief.

"What?" I say, sitting up in bed.

"God, Joe, it's taking you this long to catch on?!"

If what happened is what I'm thinking...

"Joe... Sqaishey's alive.


The end of Little Ducky.


Sequel/Spin-off called 'Ducky Raft' will be coming out in about a month or two.

Hope you enjoyed, even though this chapter was short.



Ok I'm stopping now.


I don't want the book to end...


You're all breaking up.


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