Chapter 14: Trickery

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Here is your promised chapter :D

The Wizard's POV

I press the 'on' button on my old Windows computer; it was old, but it had never failed me.

I had to sell my laptop anyway to pay for Georgia's hospital fees.

All I needed to do was transfer this money.

Then I could get Georgia out of hospital and then I could forget about this whole thing.

My thoughts were interrupted by a baby crying. I wonder when John was going to come and pick the kids up. I wanted nothing to do with them. Every time they cry I am reminded of what I did to their family; it was already messed up from Sqaishey having tuberculosis, they really don't need their kids taken off them.

I sigh and get up from my old desk chair and walk into the next room where one of the girls was crying. I go into the kitchen, pouring milk into a bottle and heating it quickly in the microwave.

As soon as I hear the beeping of the microwave, I take the bottle out and walk over to the old crib and hand the little baby the bottle. She stares at it, silently, and then slowly starts to drink.

Now, peace and quiet. I can get back to transferring the money.

Everytime I click I feel horrible guilt of what I've done to a family already dealing with pain. I block it out and try my hardest to concentrate on breaking into the account.

After 3 attempts, I finally have cracked into the system and now have complete control over their money. I take out my mobile and dial John's number, not sure what to do now.

"Hello?" John's gruff voice says from the other end of the phone.

"Um... I've hacked into the account... What do I do now?"

A short silence occurs and I wonder what happened.

"I'm coming over." He says simply, and beeping coming from the phone signifies that he hung up.

Another whining sound comes from the next room. And this time it's the other baby.

I tend to the baby's needs, and before long, hear the violent rapping on the old door.

Opening it, John walks in without hesitation.

He sits down at my falling-apart desk, opens a new tab, and logs into his own account.

"Transfer the money over to my account." He says, and stands back to let me sit down.

I once again squeeze into my desk chair and start to complete the transaction.

After a few clicks, a message pops up.

'Would you like to transfer £******** to Account No. 26196?'

I click 'OK' before I can every stop to think about it.

John pats me on the back, and I exhale the breath I had been holding. All of the money in their bank, gone.

"So... How do we transfer money to my account?"

John takes over the computer, closing all of the tabs.

"Wha-Wha-What are you doing?" I exclaim, starting to panic.

"Well, you see, I had to spend months in jail to get this money. I didn't stay in there to just give half of it away to some random guy who would spend it on a girl who was inevitably going to die... It reminds me of one of my worst enemies." John says, walking into the next room.

Stampy... That's who he meant. But was he saying what I think he was saying?

John reappears with the three kids in his arms.

"Goodbye, Wizard." He says, and walks out of my small decaying flat, slamming the door behind him, not looking back.

I fall to my knees. I had stolen a family, stolen 4... Even 5 lives.

I was a murderer... Without even picking up a gun or a knife.

I had no idea what John would do to those kids. But whatever he did, it wouldn't be good. At all.

I brush the dust off myself as I get myself up off the ground. I take my usual 'Wizard's' outfit, and then grab my laptop off my desk.

I had committed crime. But I was going to try... And I emphasise the word 'try'...

I was going to try and fix this mess I have made.

And now it's my turn to get revenge.


Don't listen to You're Not Sorry by Taylor Swift while writing this... I almost burst out in tears.

Sorry it took so long to update... I wasn't motivated to write it.

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