Chapter 6: Single Dad Practice

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Stampy's POV

I stroll up my sister's driveway, Charlie in my arms. Luckily he can crawl, so I don't have to carry him around the apartment. Still, he can't walk yet.

Knocking on Netty's door, I hear faint crying. I wonder whether Netty has been handling the girls ok.

The door opens to reveal Netty's tired, out-of breath face.

"Are you ok?" I say jokingly.

"Yeah.... Twins are hard work, aren't- who is that?!" Netty says, her eyes falling on Charlie.

"Charlie. One of Sqaishey's friends passed away... And left the baby with her."

"How are you going to cope? It's hard enough looking after two girls, let alone three children!"

"I'll manage." I say absentmindedly.

I stare at her for a few minutes; until she realises that we are both just hanging around on her doorstep.

"Oh. Uh, come in. Duncan's been staying the last few days." (I know Detty is not real, but I'm adding it anyway :D)

"Sorry about that. You've never met him and I gave you two children to look after."

"Oh, don't worry. He likes it." Netty smiles.

When Netty passes me the girls, they seem to calm a bit.

Charlie crawls around on the floor, oblivious to the fact he's never been here before, with a cheeky grin on his face.

"I can never thank you enough!" I say.

"No sweat. Just maybe hire Duncan for babysitting next time, not me!" She laughs.

"Ok. Thanks a lot." Giving her a hug, I put Charlie in a stroller that I brought along, and carry the two girls to the car.

Once I manage to click them in, I get in the front seat to drive home.

Getting the kids into the apartment is the easy part.

Charlie already wants to crawl up the stairs, and the two girls seem happy enough in my arms.

I put the two girls in Blaire's cot and take the cot out into the kitchen/dining area.

The girls seem to enjoy the ride.

Charlie has climbed on the table now, and is looking at the scene, obviously amused.

He then yawns, setting off a reaction.

"Guess it's time for bed for you guys." I say smiling.

I bring Penelope's cot out as well, putting Charlie in it.

He looks at me a bit angrily and confused.

"It's not my fault I haven't set up your bedroom." I say to him.

I put a blanket over him and he seems to drift off as soon as I do.

I then go over to the girls.

I pick them up, fixing up the bedding.

Then before I put them back in the cot, I kiss them softly on the forehead.

"Goodnight, my little duckies." I say, heading off to my own bed.


Awww! Yay! I honestly don't care how long this is. I'm writing this really late at night. And so tomorrow's Little Ducky chapter is going to be late too.


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