Chapter 11: Greed from Sorrow

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The Wizard's POV

The door closes and John walks away from the apartment.

His plan was seemed a bit far fetched to get together with a girl... But I needed the money.

I go to my small bedroom and pull a T-shirt and some jeans out of my cupboard.

After I change, I tie my shoelaces up and walk out the door to the hospital.

*Time Skip*

I pull back the aqua curtains, hearing a voice.

"Daddy!" my 15 year old daughter smiles from the hospital bed.

"Hello honey. What are you doing?" I ask.

"Watching SkyDen." she says, her eyes trailing back to the tablet.

"Oh." I say, sadly.

"Did you hear they had twins?" She says, excitedly.

"They? Who's they?"

"Stampy and Sqaishey." She says, giving me a look like it's obvious.

"And they adopted a boy called Charlie. He is so cute!"

"Georgia, did you just say they had twins?" I say, not daring to believe it.

"Yeah! And Dad..."


"Can you find Stampy and Sqaishey for me? I mean, they are in this hospital... And I really wanna meet them..."

I sigh.

"I can try..." I say, guilty.

"Please, Dad."

"Ok, I have to go."


"Goodbye, Georgie."

I almost run out of the room.

I can't let my daughter meet her idols then steal one of their children.

But I need the money. Georgia needs to get out of that hospital bed. And home with me.

I walk towards the reception.

"Um, excuse me. Do you know what room Bethany Bates is in?"


"Uh, friend."

"Room 225."

"Thank you." I say, rushing off.

I peek into the curtains. The children aren't there. Only Bethany.

I sigh. It's mean, but since she's right there...

I pull back the curtain.

"Uh, Bethany?" I say nervously.

"Who are you?"

"My daughter is very sick, and she's not allowed to come out of bed. Would you mind just coming and saying hello?"

"No problem." She says, and the worried look melted into a smile.

She got out of bed and followed me outside my daughters curtain.

I pull back the curtain.

"Dad?" She says then paused the video.


Beth smiled.

"OMG! It is you!" She almost screams.

Beth and Georgia start to talk and after about an hour, Beth heads back to her room.

"Thanks dad. You're the best dad ever." She says, giving me a hug.

The best dad ever. My heart is melted with those words.

And when I pull away to go home, I see a small duck toy in her hand.


I didn't want to make this too long... This is just to show you that the Wizard is a good caring man, just driven by sadness to be greedy and want money. And he does bad things.

The Wizard is just like Stampy. Depressed. Except The Wizard uses criminal acts to make money, (making him feel better) He's putting it all towards getting a cure for the condition his daughters got.

Hope you enjoyed!

MissPolarGirl :)

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