Chapter 13: Gone

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Stampy's POV

I must have slept for hours. It was late afternoon when I dozed off, and it's about midnight now...

I get up to get a drink of water, my throat feeling so parched.

I walk past the kids' rooms.

For some reason, I freeze. For some reason, I start yelling. For some reason, I run to the phone and hit three buttons.

And for some reason, my kids are gone.

Sqaishey's POV

Am I dead? Did I just die, straight like that?

I'm breathing. I'm not dead.

But I'm not controlling my breathing.

I lift my hand, except it stays motionless. Well, I guess I'm in a coma.

"Hello? Stampy? Anyone?" I say.

No sound comes out, nor does my mouth move.

But I manage to hear faint sobbing.

"They're gone, Sqaishey. You're gone. Why can't I go as well?"

"If you can hear me... I should have hope. I know you can hear me.

Please. Just don't go. Don't go, little ducky."

What does he mean "they're gone"?

"You have to move Sqaishey." I tell myself.

I kick and scream, as hard as I can.

But my body stays motionless, as motionless as before.

Maybe I'm going to die like this.

At least before, I could say goodbye to Stampy.

Then I am reminded of the last time I spoke. On the phone with my parents.

Maybe that goodbye was my last word.

The Wizard's POV

"I got them." I said.

Oh, but how I wish I didn't.

But John was offering so much money.

It even might get my daughter out of hospital.


"Good." John says over the phone. "All you have to do is transfer the money over from their account to mine."

"Then, and only then, will you get your payment."

It deleted. Half the stupid Wattpad chapter deleted.

I could have been doing that maths homework.

Instead I decided to write the whole chapter.


I NEVER will finish a chapter in the middle of a sentence.

So if that ever happens, tell me in the comments.

I'm sorry it wasn't as long as you would have liked. But I wrote so much down.


My rage is done. Thank you.

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