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I was in a room and there were glass walls around me and a desk in front of me and I was sitting in a metal chair playing around with my hands. My hands and face all bloody and covered in bruises and cuts and my body started twitching at times. Bandages on my neck covering up bloody patches. My lip was busted and there were scars along my hip and my fingernail was missing. Everything was stinging and I replayed it over and over again.


"Are you ready?" the lady in front of me asked. I didn't even know she was there. I zoned out and everything around my fizzled out and I couldn't hear anything and it was like I was going deaf. "huh?" I asked looking up all broken. "I said Jenny. Are you ready?" I think about it and flinch a bit. I didn't want to talk about it. I just wanted it all to go away. "Jenny listen." the lady said to me scooting her chair in.

"I know its hard to talk about. But we want to help you and we can't do that unless you tell us what happened. I zoned out again thinking about it all over again. It was like I was reliving it. "Jenny." the lady said raising her voice. "what happened to you? Who hurt you?"

I begin to cry thinking about it. She felt bad and she took a moment for me to gain myself back together. My hands were shaking but glad I was safe now. Although I knew it was going to effect me for the rest of my life.

"take time. But I'll sit here and wait" the lady said leaning back in her chair pulling the chart out. I knew if I talked about it, it would make everything worse. It was something I don't ever want to happen to mention again. If I told them what I really did even if it was in self defense, I know no matter what I'll get sent to jail. But I took a deep breath and I left it in God's hands. I sucked it up and I finally spoke.

"My name is Jenny Bucchero, I'm 16 and I-" I did my best to explain, but I couldn't She saw all the bruises and cuts and scars on me and how bloody my face was and the bandaged on my neck.

"what happened?"

"Terrible things." I said looking towards the table in deep penetrating thoughts and memories that shook me to the core every time and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. That only happened when something wasn't right or I was feeling pressured or my anxiety was hitting me hard. My eyes shot open wide looking at the edge of the table. And when I looked at the lady a single tear fell from my eye. And just from that one tear she knew how bad it was. She got things like this all the time but however she seemed different about mine.

"Thank you. I just want to ask you one question and then you can go take a rest and we'll get you cleaned up and come back to see if you could tell us more okay?" I simply and slowly nod my head with my lips parted. But I know I ain't gonna stay long, if I tell her what I did, it wouldn't matter what my story was. I would be screwed.

"when did this happen?" the lady asked.

"It all started three months ago." I looked up slowly at the lady looking at her with a dull look in my eyes.


I told her what happened and I've never seen so much fear and terror in someone's eyes before. She gets up without a word and she walks out the door and tells the other police officer what happened. I said I wasn't going to tell. But she caught on. I knew it was time.

She sends me to my room but before we go on I shove the police officer out of the way and make a run for the exit that was up ahead. I slammed the door opened and ran down the street.

I get home and when I saw my mom again she broke down into pieces excited and overwhelmed to see me again. But there was no time. "Mom we need to get outta here now!" you snapped. She looked at how damaged I was and she didn't even hesitate. "Grab your things, only take what's important." she said clearing her voice and we dropped everything and packed up and drove off.

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