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"Jack I dunno about this." I said feeling scared looking down the cliff. "Come on you remember what I taught you?" he asked. "If ya wanna learn how ta do a good front roll you gotta practice going down hill." he said smiling. "What if I die I mean there are a bunch of rocks down there." "Then this is where your brain will come in. Don't think much of it, just listen to your surroundings, when the floor feels harder then there a rock coming up." "And how do you know where it is?" "You'll know."

I take a big breath and get into a position of a ball and I get ready. "you'll be fine alright. Trust me. There aren't that many rocks." I step closer to the ledge. It wasn't that steep but it was still scary. 

I suck in a breath and fall forward down the hill feeling tocks and leaves his my back and leaving small scars rolling down on dirt. I got scared at first but then I took in my surroundings and I focused. Focused hard. "Stay in the zone." I mumbled. Until I finally was in. 

I felt a rock coming up and I turn my body to the right dodging it, I turn it to the left and dodge another one. "This is insaaane!" I screamed not knowing I could control what I could do. I finally made it to the bottom until I heard Jack's voice. "That's it now kick your legs up and flip forward on your feet!" he screamed. 

I listened to what he said and I took another deep breath and I got the timing right backflipping up at the bottom of the hill landing on my feet. I jump up and down. "I DID IT! I DID IT! JACK I DID IT!" I screamed feeling happy. "I TOLD Y
?S WASN'T THAT BAD!" he screamed back. "NOW YOUR TURN!" He smirks and makes his way down obviously doing it way better than me.

We were cheering for a bit. "Now I want to introduce you to someone." he said grabbing my hand. What does he mean by someone. "You said you wanted to learn karate, well you gotta meet the master. " he said leading me to where he was going. 

"Wait where we going?" "Sense prom ended and school's almost over I though it would be nice if we could learn karate together. You know have you join the small group I'm in with just-well me." he's so pweety. I love this man with everything. Always looking out fer me. Although I did wonder who this "master karate" dude was. 

We get to a small little dojo and it looks familiar. There was glass around it and a big Snake as the sign. Wow this really is fer show. 

We walk in and the floor is clean and bright white. It's like it just opened. There was a back room behind the dojo with a big mirror in front. It wasn't that big. "Soo where is this master." I said crossing my arms. "Babe you need ta learn patience. You're too stubborn." he chuckled. "Pft heard that one before." I said scoffing. 

"Sensei!" he shouted. I jump back a bit. I mean he didn't have to scream that loud the next room was three feet away. I see a guy come walking out in a black gi. He looked older. He had a goatee and had white hair. Looked about in his 50 maybe late 60's. He was tall and looked scary. But when he smiled he seemed chill.  

"Hey Jack it's good to see you here. And who's this?" he old man asked. "Oh uh this Jenny. She's my girlfriend." "AHh Jenny. You really got your hands full now do ya." "I guess you can say that." I giggled. "Ah so what brings you guys here class doesn't start till later today." he said making a joke. 

"Yeah my girlfriend was wanting to know a bit about karate." "Ah so you wanna learn how to strike first now right?" "Yeah I don't mind." I said uncrossing my arms. "Alright show me what ya got." he said getting into stance. "What." this man wanted ME someone who can barley cross one leg over the other take on a 60 year old man....sounds FUN!

I get into my stance and have my hands in place but obviously it was the wrong stance. "What hand are you." "Uh right." "Right foot in front and left foot in back. Keep your right fist to your ear and your left down to your chest." I did what he said and I finally had the right stance. He looked at Jack. "IGHT!" Jack shouted letting us know that the match was starting. 

Walls Up//Hawk Love story (Cobra Kai)Where stories live. Discover now