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After PE I was just in a terrible mood for the rest of the day. But I wasn't the only one. At lunch I went to go say Hi to Norman but he didn't respond. He scoffed and walked away. Which I thought was pretty weird. "What the?" I asked confused. 

I tried to go after him but I decided whatever his reasons are, he obviously needs time to sort them out. So in the meantime I decided to walk to Cobra Kai and tell them I was gonna quit. It wasn't about the whole fight or Hawk jumping Reggie or whatever that case was, I just didn't want to be in a class with him." "Hey Natalie wait!" I heard from behind. "Yeah?" I asked. "Can you meet me up by the two trees on the field after school tomorrow? There's something I wanna ask you." okay I'm not stupid I know he's gonna ask me to the dance. "Sure." I said with a smile. 

Happens every time. "Great. I don't feel like meeting at places outside of school anymore. Well at least for a while." he said chuckling. I nodded my head and headed down the street. But pass Norman. "Hey Norman." I said to him as he was washing the rails. He turns to me but doesn't answer. "Uh you good man?!" I asked from a far. But still no response. "Ugh why are men so confusing!" I grunted to myself. 

As I continue to walk down the street to the end of the block I suddenly stop, and feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, growing goosebumps as well. I put my hand to the back of my neck and I felt cold. Uneasy. It felt like my arms and legs were about to fall off. I snap my head around trying to get to the bottom of my nerve. But all I saw were kids. I felt tension and fear pulse and rush through my veins and body. Something wasn't right. 

I feel something bump behind me almost causing me to fall over. The tension was gone. "Shit." I whispered. I turn and it's Hawk. For a moment we locked eyes. "Uh-" he said awkwardly not knowing what to say. I looked at him for a couple more seconds wanting to say something insulting or something to make him furious but all that came outta my mouth was "watch where ya going." I grumbled turning back around walking away feeling irritated that, that tension I felt was gone. If something was up I needed to know. And I knew it wasn't Hawk. 

"Hey where ya goin?!" he asked trying to catch up to me. "To quit Cobra Kai!" I shouted back. His eyes widened. "Wait no!" he said making his way in front of me. "Whatd'ya mean no?!" "I'm sorry for what happened in PE okay? Don't quit Cobra Kai." "Why do you care so much?" "I don't." he said in anger but relief. "Then move the hell outta my way!" I snapped. I was waiting for him to snap back but instead he moved out of the way and walked the opposite direction of me. 

I look back and see Norman standing there. "What?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and groaned frustrated about something. What was his deal?

I almost make it to the dojo when I see ahead of me something that scares me. I see cops talking to each other and my heart races. I haven't seen cops in forever. They make eye contact with me but I look down. 


I feel my hands get clammy. 

"This is AZNS and today there is a girl on the run, where will she plan to go? Police are everywhere stating-"

They look at me hard and see from the corner of my eye them whispering to each other. Just keep walking, keep walking. As they make their way to me I start to breath heavily wanting to disappear. "Natalie?" I heard a familiar voice ahead of me. I look up and Johnny is standing outside of the dojo in front of me. "Johnny!" I said startled. I look back and the cop walks back leaving me alone. 

"It's sensei. And you're hear early class doesn't start till 3." "I know but I need to talk to you." "okay what's up?" I take a deep breath. "I'm quitting." "What?!-" "I'm sorry okay but I don't wanna be here." "So you're wussing out on me? Why too much to a girl to handle it?!" "What no! I just-" I thought about Hawk and was desperate. "My friend got jumped. It wasn't by you're student but they were in on it." "Which student?" "Hawk and some of his friends." "Hawk? He wouldn't jump someone." I scoffed. "He didn't hurt em someone else did but he thought of it. If it wasn't those random guys it would have been him. If that's what this dojo teaches then I don't wanna be part of it." 

"Look I don't exactly know what happened. But I don't teach my class like that. They have their own minds, they can take my lessons however they want to take em. But you Natalie. Now you're my priority. Imma teachin you. Hawk and them, they like to abuse the power, now I can't punish them because they didn't hurt em like ya said but I will talk to em. But what they do shouldn't effect you. You are your own person. And the way I teach my dojo, I'm not meant for it to corrupt anyone. I know what it's like. And I wanna be NOTHING like my old Sensei-" "But people tell me-" "They will say what they want. They will think of me however they want to think of me. But I know who I am and what I stand for. And whatever they told you about the old Cobra Kai. The ones they heard stories about." he stood closer. "That's not. How it is anymore. Once again I will talk to Hawk and them but if you still want to leave you can. But don't believe some pussy who don't know shit about Karate or me you got that?" I take a big gulp. 

I nod my head. He was right. I was listening to Reggie and everyone else and focusing too much on Hawk. But I need some karate and I know what it's like to have a reputation that causes people to only look at you one way for the rest of your life. Maybe I'll give him a second chance. After all I ain't gonna stop doing something just because of some kid who can't have an independent mind. He's right I can't just be a pussy about it. 

"Yes sensei." I finished. He smiles and walks back into the dojo. "Um Sensei?" I asked. He turns around. "Can you-maybe teach me something before class?" he smiles "Come on in." he said feeling proud.


Class starts and I see kids lining up outside the dojo. I spent the rest of the time with Johnny until the students arrived which they did. He mostly was teaching me some stretching tips to get my legs flexible because well. I'm not flexible. And helping me get my high kick up to kick someone in the face. 

I get nervous when I see Hawk come in. He looks at me and stands there surprised. More kids walk in while me and Hawk are standing face to face in the middle of the dojo with everyone gathering around us getting into groups making it seem me and Hawk were in our own worlds. "I thought you said you were quitting." "People can change their minds." "It's good you didn't quit." "And why's that?" he gulped and looked around figuring out what to say. "Cause who else will I torment?" he said smirking. I hold back a smile.

It was awkward both of us thinking about what happened at PE. I was waiting for him to say something about it. And by the way he looked at me he was waiting for me to say something first too. 

Just say it. He stutters silently. "We uh-" he said quietly "We what." he chewed the inside of his gum. "We should start stretching." he said walking away hesitantly. I scoff and nudge him irritated walking past him. Highlight I already stretched! 

I sit down next to Tori who's looking at Miguel. Hawk sighs and sits down across from me. 


If only she knew. 



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