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I was in the hospital for quite some time. And I hated it. I lost my apatite for pudding for forever, it's hard to take a shower and I have to use my left hand for everything. But I guess I got used to it. BUT STILL. It sucked. Some people saw me and today was the day I was gonna go home. Although I had to start therapy on Wednesday. 

Missing school was a buzz but Hawk went to each class like the sweet guy he is and he brought the homework assignments to me so I didn't have to turn em in late. He helped me a bit with Math and English. It felt good to have him around. 

"Ugh so many exponents." I groan looking at the paper with work written on it. "This isn't even like 5th grade exponents these are complicated exponents. What do these teachers want from us." I whined. "It's not that bad." Hawk laughed. He scoots me over and hops on the bed. 

"ciome on what's the problem." "I dunno if I have to solve the 3 to the second power to get number over one or if I jut leave it like that because in number 23 you sole it but number 24 he jus leaves it there. So how do you know the difference?" "Well first either way Mr. Bacon said that both answers are okay. But what I think is confusing you is all the letters and numbers. If you just take each one step by step turn them into their own problems and solve em one by one it won't seem as troubling as it is. Cause, these are big equations." he chuckled. "Ugh I just wanna get outta this hell hole!" I groaned resting my head on my math book. 

"Couple more hours princess." he said rubbing my back. "Hey uh Natalie?" I hear a soft voice. I new that voice anywhere. "Reggie?" Hawk immediately took charge and got up. "Whater you doing here." he said walking up to him. "I'm here to see Natalie. Just to check up on her." I looked at Hawk and he sighed stepping outta the way. 

I nudge my eyes for Hawk to go outta the room. He walks out rolling his eyes. "Hey Reggie." I smiled. "How ya feelin?" "A bit better. Can't wait to get outa here later." "Yeah." "So uh-how's school? Mr. Backus." "Ugh annoying as hell." "Does he miss me?" I asked smirking. "Pft with all his heart." he said sarcastically. "It's pretty quiet in class without you." "It's BEEN pretty quiet for longer." Reggie nodded looking away knowing what I meant. "Reggie-when will this stop. I miss you." I said playing with my fingers. "I miss you too. But it's just a little hard to hang out with you when you have mohawk over here." "then let's hang out outside of school." "I can do that. But you shouldn't keep it from Hawk." "Stop worrying about Hawk. I'll handle him. But let's hang out some time." he thought about it. 

"Okay well when?" "Thursday?" "Sure. Mall?" "Yeah. I'd like that." I said smiling. He nodded. "I uh-brought you this." he pulled outta his pocket the boba necklace he gave me a long time ago. "Holy crap Reggie." I cooed taking the necklace. "I shouldn't have given it back to you-" "it's okay. You have a boyfriend. Now I know you can't wear it because of Hawk but I was just hoping you could keep it just to remind you that this friendship will never end. And like I said before. I'll always wait for you. Even if it takes years. I'll be here. Waiting." I smile. "You sure about that?" "Natalie I haven't felt like this for anyone in my life. And I'm not letting that go easily." it was flattering to know I still had him close. When it's our time, I think we'll know.

Hawk comes back in the room to us smiling at each other. "Okay you've had your time now I think you should be on  your way." Hawk said sitting in the seat. Reggie rolls his eyes. "See ya at school Natalie." he said walking out. 

"Hawk you can stop staring." I told him watching Reggie leave. He scoffs and crawls on top of the bed hovering over me looking down. "You're the only one I'll ever love. Donchu forget that alri?" I nodded. He smirked and seductively kissed me. "You know-" I reach my left under his shirt. "I can only use one hand." I get rubbing my fingers along his back. He smirked and sat up, pulling his shirt over his head throwing it to the side. I looked down at his beautiful sparkly body. Gawd he was so fuckin hot. I saw the veins in his arms and I moaned to myself looking at him hard. "Ya like me shirtless?" he asked smirking. 

Walls Up//Hawk Love story (Cobra Kai)Where stories live. Discover now