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I walk out of the room after gathering my hopeless emotions and I sit down at the little table that was in the middle of the living room. "So what you want to eat tonight?" my mom asked. "hmm I dunno, I saw some rat shit in the bathroom that looked REALLY appealing." "We'll start fixing this place up this week." my mom replied chuckling. "Mhm if we don't wake up with the plague tomorrow." I mumbled scratching the back of my head.    

"Let's just go to Starbucks or somethin." "They don't have a Starbucks here." "who doesn't have a Starbucks." I said rolling my eyes. "I know I know but there is a Boba place by the school?" she said trying to get me excited. "I guess that's fine."  "And I know you said you really didn't want to talk about it and you think it's stupid but here." my mom reached in her purse that was on the floor and pulled out a piece of paper. I take it from her hand and when I look at it and scoff. 

"Karate?" I asked annoyed. "Yeah there's a dojo down the street just a couple blocks away. They say they have a great teacher there and he really pushes the bpundries so his students can do better." "Mom as much as I like guys pushing-" she gave me the really? look and laughed. "I don't wanna learn karate. It's stupid and old. Plus it's just gonna be hella boring anyway. What they gonna teach me? How to kick my leg up? I already took gymnastics when I was younger so I don't see why I should take karate." "For self defense." it was quiet after she said those words. 

"That was is Arizona mom. I don't want something reminding me of my past alright? I already said not to mention it anymore. Doing Karate is just going to make everything worse because now I HAVE to look over my shoulder half the time if I need it that bad." "Well then at least do it so you're not stuck in a house all day? Don't act like there's a virus going around and we have to be trapped in a house. Just go out and find something to do. And this seems like it would help." "Mom I don't want to do it alright? It's final." "Just think about it?" I roll my eyes. I look back down at the paper and see the name of the dojo. 

"Cobra kai?" "Yup!" "Pft I guess I can think about it." I said sitting back in my chair. "THAT'S THE SPIRIT!" I nod my head awkwardly and force a smile on my face. "Now what to eat." "I saw a mini mart down the block when we were driving up. Maybe I can walk and get something there?" "Yeah. But I don't want you to go by yourself-" Mom." I said in a loud voice. "Remember? Forget?" she sighed and rubbed her face with her hands thinking about it not sure. 

"Alright. But be back in 30 minutes you got that?" I smile knowing that she trusts me. I felt good about it too. To have some real alone time to clear my thoughts. "Can I borrow money?" "Yeah." she pulled $20 out of her wallet and handed it to me. "Be safe okay?" I nod and head to my room, grab my backpack and walk out the door. At least it was still in the day time anyway so that's good. 

As I'm walking down the street hearing the screeches of the tires from cars drive by me I pull out my phone to set the time just in case because I don't want my mom to worry if I'm not home in time. I get farther down the sidewalk passing up an ally way and a gas station until I finally see the small strip mall ahead.

I smile and check the timer. "20 minutes. Alright that's enough time." I said turning off my phone. I walk in the store and it's pretty small. The ones in Arizona were big but I guess that's what happens when you come to a small town like this one. I look around and see what good things they got here. 

I walk over to the freezer and see some shelves with sandwiches and stuff laid out on them. "I can go for some turkey." I grab two turkey sandwiches and some soda and walk up to the counter. "Hola." I said placing the food and drinks in front of the cashier. "Hola como estas hoy ma'am" "Estoy bien, solo recogiendo comida para mi y mi mama" "You speak Spanish?" "Yeah, fluent." I said smiling. "So I'm guessing you're new in town?" "yeah how'd you know?" "I didn't. It was just a guess." "oh" I said confused. "When you get here?" "We've been in Georgia for a while but we recently just got a small house not too far from here." "ahh so you're moving to the valley I see." "Yeah I mean it's not what I expected." "What not a big enough town for a city girl." "Ha very funny sir but it's defiantly more noisy then where I'm from." "Where are you from?" "Arizona." "Ahh I hear there's a lot of dessert there." "yeah but I mean if you get the good part of town I don't think it would really matter." "What's it like there?"

Walls Up//Hawk Love story (Cobra Kai)Where stories live. Discover now