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Okay so maybe the mall wasn't the best place to hang out after all. It's like no where I can go they won't be there. I see Hawk everywhere. I think there's like a spawn of assholes somewhere that he just keeps coming out of ya know? 

So for Sunday I just stayed home because we couldn't find a church that was close. But we were gonna go next Sunday. But I'm hesitant because after what happened in the past, I thought no one could forgive me. Not even God. So I kinda had a lot of doubt for a little while. I just went with the flow now, whatever happened next I was just gonna roll through it. It seems like a good plan, but I'm glad the weekend is over because today I get to learn karate. Once I learn it I can't wait till I shove it all in Hawk's face. 

I get dressed but I didn't know what to really where because it was a karate dojo. And I ain't the sweats or tights type so I get on some shorts because I can at least be flixible in those and a hoodie. I mean were going to a dojo, I don't really think you need to look nice for anything. Our hair's just gonna get messy anyway. 

"AHH I'm so excited!" I squealed. My mom stopped what she was doing and looked at me worried and I just had a moment of reality check. "Wow. I never squeal." I said feeling shocked with myself. "No ya don't, now come and eat." My mom said placing a plate on the little table with eggs. "Hey mom when we gonna get me and you a bed?" "I can't go today because I have to work late again." "I know I know there's food in the fridge." I said sighing. "Actually I was thinking maybe after school and after the karate thing you and your new friends can go get something to eat. And hopefully stay there so you won't be bored here." "Yeah that can work I guess." I mumbled. 

The idea sounded nice but I didn't want to invite myself. 

I finish food and we get in the car and when we get to school I look outside and see kids the same way they were last time. Some on the stairs and railing talking and some walkin in. "Alright second day. Have a great one Natalie." my mom said kissing the top of my head. "Love you mom bye!" I said closing the door.

I start to walk up the stairs but stop when I see someone who looked familiar. "Norman?" I asked. He turned around and yup it was him. "Oh Hey kid you go to school here?" "yeah it's the only school in the Valley." "Right." he said sweepin the floor up. "So whater you doin here?" "I can have to jobs." he said smirking. "Ahh gotcha what I mean is don't you work at the auto shop place?" "yeah but I only do this when the janitor can't make it or sum like that." "Right. Well at least you're closer now so I can bring the drama to you quicker." I said smiling. 

"Well Imma be here bored all day so you're welcome to talk to me." he said throwing trash away that was on the floor. "Well that's nice to know." "Mhm hey aren't you supposed to be in class right now? Isn't the bell gonna ring?" I give him a straight face. "Yes." I said in an upset voice. "Don't be late." he said grinning. I give him a fake smile and walk through the doors. The last thing I heard was his chuckle. 

I get to my locker and I once again look around for Hawk to make sure he won't startle me again. It was that fear I was afraid of. Always gonna be lookin over my shoulder. 

"Hey!" I jump and scream quietly. "Sweet cheese mother marry Josephine your scared the patuties outta me!" I snapped at Reggie giggling. "Didn't mean to startle you. You scared of Hawk?" "What? Noo." I said in a high pitched voice. "Okay maybe I'm a little scared-" "Why are ya scared of him? He should be scared of you." "I took him down and embarrassed him in front of a whole mall with a bunch of people that know him I bet. Imma get smoked." I said grabbing my Math book outta my locker and closing it setting my backpack in there. 

 "Well I think it's great what ya did." "Yeah ya think?" I asked blushing. "Yeah. Someone finally told him who's boss. And it's nun other than the new girl!" he said being sweet. I let a small smile grow on my face. "I'm glad I got to meet a girl like you." Awwww he was so sweeet! I got butterflies at those words. Maybe I was wrong and my mom was right. When I met him, it wouldn't matter to me, all I'd want is to be with him. Maybe it's not so bad to get back in something like that. To let my walls down just a little. I mean he was the perfect guy I always hoped to meet. He brought a smile to my face, I can't remember the last time someone else made me do that. Well besides Norman but he's like a century older than me. 

Walls Up//Hawk Love story (Cobra Kai)Where stories live. Discover now